I’ve often wondered what sent J.K. down the path she’s on. I get that it becomes a self-reinforcing cycle at dinner point, but something must’ve happened.
Basically I’m looking for her “Pedo guy mini sub” moment if it exists.
I’ve often wondered what sent J.K. down the path she’s on. I get that it becomes a self-reinforcing cycle at dinner point, but something must’ve happened.
Basically I’m looking for her “Pedo guy mini sub” moment if it exists.
I refuse to believe that tweet is real on principal, but it’s just tone deaf enough to have me question whether this might have actually been shat out by a corporate marketing team as part of some greenwashing effort.
If this is someone memeing however: Kudos, this one is very convincing despite being wildly ridiculous.
“Would you like your evil done in the traditional overt bombs-dropped-on-children fashion, or the new we’ll-sell-your-entire-life-to-the-highest-bidder-while-feeding-you-non-stop-lies-to-establish-a-fascist-regime style, sir?”
This guy: Bomb some kids, at least it’s a spectacle.
(Edit for clarification: I think both are bad, and one has a strong causal relationship with the other but I am not sure I would pick Raytheon personally. It’s a bit too overtly evil for my tastes)
That’s what I’m thinking reading this and other articles. It’s like the Republican party is reaching to find increasingly desperate ways to get into Trump’s graces, to the point that it feels like they’re running out of ideas by this point and have started a race to the bottom debasing themselves for his amusement.
How does this man hold so much sway over them? He has the charisma of a wet rag, the character and patience if a toddler, and the long term vision of a house fly. Out of all the things I read about him and his cult, this is the one thing that baffles me the most.
Found the Canadian. “It’s never a war crime the first time”.
This dude also got Doom to run in a PDF FYI. Pretty insane level of scripting support for a supposedly static document format.
I am simultaneously happy to see you’re all back up and running again and mourning the loss of the sudden increase in productivity I had while you were down.
If only that era of movies hadn’t spawned a TV Trope that sadly coloured these folks’ perceptions on strong, independent, rough and tumble women: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VasquezAlwaysDies
There is an argument to be made that neither Dagoth Ur not the tribunal are strictly speaking “gods” by Elder Scrolls’ definitions. They have godlike powers thanks to the heart, but they are referred to as false gods by all the Deadric gods you interact with.
Heck, the main quest is basically Azura using you as her vessel to expose the falsity of the Tribunal’s claim to godhood.
Although, if you go one level deeper and you buy into Vivec actually achieving Chim, then it could be argued he is at least as godlike as Talos (who used his understanding of Chim to retcon the actual history of Tamriel). Which is another can of worms, because his godhood is also questioned and the whole reason his worship was outlawed in the white-gold concordant…
Oh Elder Scrolls lore, how I love your convoluted nature.
This is exactly the kind of long form content I love watching. Thanks for sharing!
To some extent the majority of JRPGs fit into this trope. It’s a long running joke that it isn’t a JRPG if you don’t end up fighting a god with the power of friendship.
Not sure why your getting downvoted, this is a pretty legit question.
I never expected to feel old on a comment about Michael Jackson, but here we are. Man, I can’t believe it has honestly been that long.
Yeah, I suppose Rammstein were actually a bit optimistic with that line.
That’s really hard to source honestly due to the nature of proxy wars. The list I provided does include large conflicts in which the US was a beligerent in some way, shape, or form, so not just wars. For example, it includes domestic conflicts the US never flagged as wars such as the various campaigns against the American natives, the invasion of Mexico and a whole bunch of others lesser known ones.
pushes glasses well akshually…The US was not involved in an armed conflict from 1795 to 1798, 1805-1810, 1815-1816, 1828-1832, 1924-1939, 1961-1964 and finally 1975 to 1982. Out of the US’ 248 years of existance, it has enjoyed 38 years of official peace.
Isn’t the original line “sometimes war”? Or am I misremembering the lyrics.
I was gonna mention Bugsnax, but you beat me to it. That game starts so innocent.
The DLC for that game was a trip too. Highly recommend checking it out as it really added to Alan Wake 2 for me.
While you may be right, I still want to make sure the Finns get credit for naming these home made petrol bombs since the origin of the name is just so badass.