The title is misleading, given that it’s not being directed towards the delivery of any new aid, but rather paying for aid that’s already been delivered.
The title is misleading, given that it’s not being directed towards the delivery of any new aid, but rather paying for aid that’s already been delivered.
No treaty ever awarded the Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union.
While media sources have always had agendas, I think the key difference now is the fact that people are relying more than ever on a oligopoly of social media platforms as their primary news source, rather than media outlets across the country.
Not only does an information oligopoly make it far easier for propaganda to be disseminated to national and international audiences, but it makes trading political favors for propaganda-backed political support far easier than ever before as well.
Republican sheep will toss their support behind Trump on any issue, so the numbers don’t reflect a well-informed public.
and wreck an ugly MAGA lie
The problem is that MAGA people either don’t know about the problem, don’t care about the problem, or would actively harm foreigners (or American minorities, for that matter) if it put even a penny in their pocket or made them feel superior.
Only the people that already know the republicans are lying their pants off know it’s a lie, a fact worsened by corporate news media and social media firms censoring the virality of anything that could hurt the far-right.
Although the wood-grain Atari 2600 was also my first thought upon reading the title, I think the Wii’s minimal footprint is impressive considering that—in the case of the original model—it’s also a GameCube.
In contrast to the Wii’s 2006 release, the Wii Mini is arguably not yet ‘retro’ with its 2012 release, but definitely looks a lot sleeker, albeit not worth the loss of GameCube functionality for its minimal size savings.
Compared to both, the Wii U is super bulky, and lacks much use beyond improved emulation capabilities now that nearly all of its exclusives have been re-released for the Switch.
I’m guessing that they mean extending access to Japanese citizenship to descendants of Japanese expats abroad. Brazil in particular had a substantial wave of Japanese settlers in the early 1900s.
Surely there’s a better source to post than Fox News’s propaganda.
That’s not going to keep them from selling it.
Their defense is the need to keep Firefox “financially viable”, but if that keeps them from being able to broadly state that they won’t sell our data, it’s better to use a fork that prevents Mozilla from accessing that data in the first place.
As long as scarcity increases revenues from enterprise customers, they have no incentive to increase the supply of gaming GPUs back to a level that fulfills all demand at a price that doesn’t rip off consumers.
Conservative anti-vax idiots are responsible for the measles outbreak in the first place, so Trump and his administration are entirely responsible for its impact for encouraging a distrust in science among conservative idiots.
This is How a Constitutional Crisis
Will BeginBegan
Not a common suggestion, but the Scrabble PS1 port holds up surprisingly well, all the more so for how few Scrabble video games there are.
And the same idiots would vote for him again in a heartbeat.
They should have thought more about his agenda beyond nodding along to his lies before voting for him. Although most people under-anticipated the insanity that has come to transpire, arguably making Trump’s first term look tame in comparison, any level-headed person should still have been able to recognize the dangers inherent to the right’s extremist rhetoric before the election and voted against it.
Just goes to show how easily swayed so many social media addicted Americans are, and although many of them might not admit it, tolerant of xenophobia and transphobia to the point of seeking perceived short-term gains at the expense of the civil rights and wellbeing of millions of their fellow Americans.
One shitty company suing another shitty company; nothing more enjoyable to watch!
The cartels wouldn’t be nearly as powerful if American gun companies weren’t producing so many guns, knowing full well where they’re ending up and how they’re being used.
In any case, talking about Mexico’s cartels is just Republicans trying to distract the public from their own white supremacist, bigoted, transphobic, and xenophobic policies that make them far more dangerous terrorists than all the Mexican cartels combined.
There’s already been major backlash, is the author living under a rock?
Zelenskyy giving interviews to propaganda outlets like Newsmax, especially in giving in to Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea in peace talk negotiation, is just dealing into Russia’s hand. Trump’s odd pandering to Putin means that Zelenskyy should be spending his time wheeling and dealing with as many European politicians as possible, since Trump will take Russian bribes in a minute over recognizing the illegality, authoritarianism, and ethnic cleansing associated with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the countless war crimes that it has perpetuated in the process.
We can celebrate if and when they’re actually reinstated and the people who put them out of a job are put out of a job themselves.