Variety is the spice of life. I’ve used Slackware, Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, Nix, been on Debian the last few years. Been looking at setting up my own UBlue image. I really like the immutable thing. Do whatever makes you happy…
Variety is the spice of life. I’ve used Slackware, Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, Nix, been on Debian the last few years. Been looking at setting up my own UBlue image. I really like the immutable thing. Do whatever makes you happy…
Rhonda, cuz she’s thicc.
I don’t know if this will help or not. I came across this video a while ago. It’s a former cop describing what they deal with. I’m ACAB too, but they are still people being exploited just like us. The system is what we should be directing our anger towards. https://youtu.be/_nl5zMIwcmQ?si=mbAwDWi6vjGx3Njz
Wait, what do you serve your soup in?
You’re not wrong. I just didn’t really expand on my meaning. Like I don’t disparage the homeless person (I’m assuming based on what was stolen) who stole a bike tire. Like I’m sure they need it more than me at that point, and I can afford it more than they can. But the bitch neighbors who stole medicine and food multiple times… Yeah I hope hell is real just for them.
I love GD! Might be time for a reinstall.
I used to keep EVERYTHING under lock and key, or under my direct supervision. I have been robbed multiple times. Turns out, not everyone is a shitty person. TBH I kinda still do it. Not to the extremes I used to though.
Its a quote from the TV show parks and rec, not a generalized comment. BTW totally recommend it. Skip the fist season though.
My wife and I use this same setup. Honestly it’s easier to manage one, vs keeping track of two. Also I’m not sure we would get through separate ones before they went bad.
I have a 650m from 2013 (almost 10 years) and there are zero working drivers aside from noveau ones.
Fuck, I would give anything sometimes to be Finnish.
Thanks for the recommendation!
I just looked up Mage Knight based on your comment. This looks awesome, I’m ordering a copy right now. So, Thanks.
Emailed! It fails while trying to submit a fully written application.
This is a an amazing concept! I created an account (same name as here). And tried to sign up for the beta, however the submit application button is not working for me. I’m using Firefox on android.
I remember going to a friends house, and he had Pokémon red/blue on his gameboy (I don’t remember exactly which) I played for hours straight, like I don’t remember if we even hung out lol. I love Charizard, a fire breathing, flying dragon sign me the fuck up please! I never named my Pokémon, I’m also uncreative.
Three months later, on August 1, 2007, News Corporation and Dow Jones entered into a definitive merger agreement.[32] The US$5 billion sale added The Wall Street Journal to Rupert Murdoch’s news empire, which already included Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, London’s The Times, the New York Post, and the Fox flagship station WNYW (Channel 5) and MyNetworkTV flagship WWOR (Channel 9).[33]
Who would of guessed murdoch owned media would be biased? I’m shocked!
UBlue is a tool the fedora team created to build immutable distros in a container. This is a list of official distros created by it. If you’ve seen Bazzite it was also created with UBlue.
Immutable distro just means the root filesystem is mounted read-only. So when you do updates, they create another image of your filesystem with the updates applied. Then you have to boot into the new filesystem. This is called an atomic upgrade. So if something is broken, you reload your last image and everything is fine.