same reason you cant fill a bucket by shooting 10mL of water at 3000psi into it
I came to the opposite conclusion after living in Atlanta for a few years.
My experience was that Atlanta drivers are very accustomed to high traffic, so will do things like drive closely packed af 85mph on the freeway, assertively take advantage of gaps or entry opportunities, and not wait around for you to turn and will swerve around you.
But they have the experience to do it fairly adeptly, and once you get used to it, there is very little friction outside of congestion. People use signals, anticipate movements and coordinate to ensure flow, and seem to generally get the “game theory” aspect of making traffic work better.
They also aren’t assholes like in the northeast - if you put your blinker on they’ll let you into the fast lane, instead of speeding up to block you. There’s very little honking or aggressive behavior. I’ve rarely witnessed road rage.
Of course some people suck, but it’s a minority.
except then the people who owned those outlets would now have $300 billion…
I am grandfathered into a Verizon (USA) plan from the time the FCC disallowed caps in exchange for 700MHz spectrum. I used 365GB of data in the first week of this month.
he will 100% focus on “Democrat cities” before he ever rounds up farm workers.
those were probably different people
What a tool
No one is ever pure enough to be truly left wing, are they?
This is why approval voting is my preference: easy to vote, easy to count, and still works if ths voter doesn’t know a thing about it and just marks one candidate
She did not. Do you know what “advocate” means?
Don’t just show up making shit up.
Can’t wait for the world’s richest man to tell us we need to tighten our belts.
How soon before some national park mountaintops get sold off “for efficiency” and billionaire’s palaces just happen to end up there?
Yeah, you become a trillion dollar company by being lazy and not knowing what people want!
I want that whole arrangement to be in a tip with a USB-C receptacle and a fixed voltage and barrel size so it’s barely bigger than my thumbnail and can be used with standard usb-c cables.
So I can get a “9V-5.5x2.5-Pos” to convert my casio keyboard to usbc, without all that other stuff hanging off and extra, unnecessary pieces
But yeah that’s cool
And O-circumflex “ô” in French indicates an elided “s”. hô = hos
now someone needs to make USB-C jack to barrel plug “tips” with the PD chip built in so I can substitute USB-C for wall wart transformers.
guar gum, xantham gun, locust bean extract, etc - all emulsifers or texture additives used to mask lower product quality and allow more air to be whipped in.
Even the expensive stuff, Ben & Jerrys (sold out to PE a while ago), boutique brands at Whole Foods, and even Kirkland premiun have the same list of bullshit.
The only brand I can reliably find without them is Haagen Dazs.