Whether you like it or not they don’t see your vote as an endorsement of the marginal differences, they see it as an endrosement of everything they’re doing, including that genocide thats going on.
A real autism! Bisexual demiman. I like media. Extraordinarily DILF.
Whether you like it or not they don’t see your vote as an endorsement of the marginal differences, they see it as an endrosement of everything they’re doing, including that genocide thats going on.
Why don’t you care about any of the people in America?
As a disabled person living off federal benefits, with a transgender girlfriend living in a red state, I’m literally got skin in the game personally, so don’t tell me that I don’t care about people living in America. The problem is there is an active genocide going on and the Biden adminstration, including Kamala, are supporting it.
If you think the parties are the same on foreign policy but the Democrats are better on all the thing I mentioned, doesn’t that still mean the Democrats are less terrible?
I dont think they are materially better on the things you mentioned on the federal level as I mentioned in another post. The best they’ve done is nice sounding words. Another thing you forgot to mention btw is immigration, on which Biden has somehow managed to be materailly worse than Trump lmao. So theres that too.
and I would very much like to have an option that wasn’t, but I don’t, do I? I have to chose between the options given, and as bad as they are they’re clearly the less bad option.
You have options that aren’t that and they all involve doing literally any political thing other than voting. I literally don’t care if you decide to vote for Kamala, especially if you live in a swing state. Just please, god, take your eye off electorialism because it won’t save us.
outlaw trans people
What, materially, other than nice sounding words, has Biden and federal-level Democrats in general done to counteract what is happening to trans people in red states right now? What indication is there that Democrats care to do anything for trans people on a federal level? On the state level, sure, there’s been some action to make blue states sanctuary states and such, but federally?
abortion, birth control,
Again, what have Biden and the federal level Democrats done about this? Did they codify Roe while they had the chance? Did they pack the courts so Roe couldn’t be overturned? Did they build abortion clinics on Federal land? Or did they just, yet again, say nice words?
end unions
Biden literally broke a strike lmao. Personally, by his own hands. One of the few proactive things he has done in his whole presidency is to actively break a strike.
end democracy
We already don’t live in a democracy. Youre choice is between outright facism and pretty damn close to fascism, and in most places in the country you dont even get to contribute to that choice.
and otherwise just be totally as bad as Republicans
On forgein policy and economics? Yeah pretty much. On social issues? Democrats will say nice words but, again at least federally, not materially do anything.
Roe v. Wade certainly would have still been overturned if the election in 2016 had gone the other way, too, right?
2016 is in the past and you learned the wrong lesson from it. 2016 taught us that running a shitty milquetoast war criminal neoliberal candidate that noone other than wine moms likes against fascism (and pied pipering him as the nominee because you think you can beat him in the process btw!!!) doesn’t work. And again, both Obama and Biden could have codified Roe and didn’t. And Biden could have packed the courts to prevent the overturn.
All in all, electorialism won’t save us. And the violent solutions you wanted to avoid in your first post are actually our only way out of this mess. But they need to be organized.
I think the thing that most impresses me about this post is how you just completely neglected to mention forgein policy in your list of things like at all. The Democrats and Republicans being the same regarding supporting the US Empire (besides one side or the other pretending to be anti-war while being in the opposition sometimes, but not following through on that once in power) is a huge factor here lol. Really shows your priorities and that you just do not give a single shit about the global south.
The Democrats literally gave a standing ovation to Netanyahoo a couple of days ago,
Err, I mean, I’m on your side in the overall here and think the lemme moron youre arguing with is an idiot. But roughly half of congressional Democrats were not even at the speech, so just saying lets keep our counterpoints in the realm of what actually happened. To be clear, pretty much all the skips announced reasons that were pretty weaksauce so I’m not particularly impressed by most of them. But still, the congressional Democrats did not, as a group, all give a standing ovation to Netanyahu. Thats just inaccurate to say.
Speaking of, are you aware of the problems that Russia has with its far right?
But if i do the reverse of this argument its whataboutism
nothing to do with that persons race
Oh, really? Comparing an Chinese man to a yellow skinned character has nothing to do with race?
Have you considered that the meme might have different impact coming from a Chinese person ribbing their leader than a white westerner echoing it? The former might be “light ribbing” but the later is racist. Who says a thing matters significantly on whether its ok to say. You know this very well because I’d hope you’d know that its not ok for white people to use the soft r n word even though many black people use it.
See also the most common opinion on Gonzalo (yes I know there are Gonzalites, haven’t seen them around here though).
And yet he has the nerve to call lemmygrad war crime enthusiasts. The hypocracy is off the chain.
Eat my entire ass and suck my left nut you piece of absolute fucking human waste. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Listen, I’m not happy about the death of kids either, I’m just saying that revolutions are never, ever clean because oppressive violence breeds revolutionary violence and these people are angry and hopeless and you cant abandon the cause of the oppressed because of excesses. The oppressor has killed way more kids and will continue to if they’re not stopped. Like its really easy to talk from your high horse of privilege and judge revolutionary movements and tut tut but at the end of the day it comes down to what you actually care about. Because way more kids are going to be killed if the genocide of Palestinians isn’t stopped. And that includes Israeli kids because the Palestinians are going to fight back and they aren’t always going to be perfect victims about it. Israel can stop this at any time.
Youre talking a big game for someone whos never been enslaved (or held in an open air prison).
Listen, the children are victims (women get IDF training same as men though so lol) but they are victims of Israel. Dont put children on the front line of a settler colonial project.
The Hatians killed their masters. Was that wrong?
How are they not the best chance they have at not being genocided? They’re the only ones fighting to make it not happen lol.
There is literally no difference between oppressor and oppressed, you imbecile you, absolute moron.
Personally my stance isn’t so much that I think its “acceptable” as I think its “an unfortunate reality”. Revolutions are not clean, ever. Individuals involved in it do bad things. Holding the oppressed to the standards of having a completly clean revolution (impossible) is just counterproductive. I support the revolutionaries even if not every action they take is morally right. I dont withdraw my support for something that is good on the whole because of individual acts that are not good.
Its also worth noting that Israel chose to put civilians on the front lines of a settler project, and that this is kind of the obvious consequence of that. It can easily be argued, I think correctly, that they wanted this so they could look like the victims. Despite them being the oppressors.
the vast majority of cases Israeli operations don’t intend to harm civilians.
What’s the public health effect of legalized cigarettes vs, say, pot?
Communists are generally in favor of legalizing fucking heroin lol. ETA: Full drug legalization means full drug legalization. WE also want to treat drug addiction like a public health issue of course.
Are cigarettes being banned to provide pretext for cracking down on radicals or minority communities?
Hey what was Eric Garner doing when he was killed again?
If so I’m a 35 year old gen z lmao