please stop forcing sugar and fat on our children
please stop forcing sugar and fat on our children
that contains misrepresentations and lies
cuba apparently is a decaying political football. nevermind this trash could have been over with ages ago.
cuba libre
i’m working on a mod to my garage vac, complicated filter, unintentionally thousands of spiders allowed in. turns out, the spiders only want to eat shitheads and flies
he was murdered. sorry i fucked off into a wilderness.
this is so much more complicated than antisemitism in pennsylvania. obviously it’s wrong to target someone for their religion, or nationality, or whatever. this is so skewed awry.
fuckin idiots very far away from whatever want to kill each other; billions of dollars at stake. that’s the story.
don’t let the lunatic nationalists from their various corners distract you.
yeah that was a misuse of the phrase
i need this shit to stop
fuck it. nothing to begained from death.
why do blame this on dumbass
i’m sorry that lady got herself shot.
look that i never said that and this is a scam