I’ve been wondering, do they u-haul to these places to try and avoid detection? Like FBI tracking their movements? Or is it just because they’re broke?
I’ve been wondering, do they u-haul to these places to try and avoid detection? Like FBI tracking their movements? Or is it just because they’re broke?
Lukashenko: why are there troops with wings sprayed on their vehicles massing near my border?
I think it was drake’s scorpion album that was suggested in everything. His face was in every genre. Basically looked like spam. Country and jazz where the ones that pissed me off. I stopped using Spotify after that.
Just need a math degree
I thought it was: snap, live off the land in seclusion and build drone bombs from scratch
There was a a porn studio that was prosecuted for creating CSAM. Brazil i belive. Prosecutors claimed that the petite, A-cup woman was clearly underaged. Their star witness was a doctor who testified that such underdeveloped breasts and hips clearly meant she was still going through puberty and couldn’t possible be 18 or older. The porn star showed up to testify that she was in fact over 18 when they shot the film and included all her identification including her birth certificate and passport. She also said something to the effect of women come in all shapes and sizes and a doctor should know better.
I can’t find an article. All I’m getting is GOP trump pedo nominees and brazil laws on porn.
I can’t remember exactly how it was said but, “The internet is all gas no breaks. Random strangers will hype you up and gleefully watch you ruin your life.”
Me: Ooooooohhhh, ok. I know how logistic networks work.
2 hrs later
Me: wtf? Production stopped. Why does this one belt have 5 different materials. Oh…idk how chests work. That’s OK I’ll simplify it until it works.
suns up and birds chirping
Me: ok, ok. So it’s working, but i dont know why.
800 hrs in and I still underestimate the space I need. Best 30 bucks I’ve ever spent.
Getting into lifted trucks, with not a spot of dirt on it, at the mall. Punisher and blue line flag decals. It’s like cosplay.
I live in a red state. My friends list has been getting smaller and smaller since covid.
I hope their artillery is accurate and plentiful. May the Russians bunch up and N.K troops shoot them in a panic.
I haven’t kept up. Are they still 10 years ahead of their competitors? I know they had better yields than, let’s say, Samsung.
They’re gonna make an excuse to not have midterm; then the country is under attack from whatever and not have 2028.
Probably worried about his wife getting sent to prison
Make all reports 50 pages long, mostly context, and very little actual Intel. That way, anybody actually reading it can’t pass it on. Gonna make a “didn’t specifically asked, didn’t tell” policy.
Archbishop Fisichella also unveiled the official mascot of the Holy Year 2025: “Luce” (Italian for light), a cartoon pilgrim dressed in a yellow raincoat, mud-stained boots, wearing a missionary cross and holding a pilgrim’s staff. Luce’s glowing eyes feature the shape of scallop shells, a traditional symbol of pilgrimage and hope.
The mascot, he said, was inspired by the church’s desire “to live even within the pop culture so beloved by our youth.”
Source :the dialog
Seems they’re trying evangelize the kids and are going to where they are. Gives me Buddy Christ vibes to be honest.
He’s gonna call it at an hour after polls close in nevada (red mirage) and just spam lawsuits in every swing state. He’ll then point at those lawsuits as proof that he won and the election is stolen. We’ll have to wait until December to see if the Supreme Court crowns him king.
I remember 256MB sticks were a game changer for me. 1TB still seems unnecessarily to me. You carrying Wikipedia in there?!
What’s USA’s record against insurgents? I know Trump went to the Taliban to make a deal after more than 2 decades fighting them.