When the IRS is under-funded, they’re less able to go after the wealthy and are left the poor who won’t be able to fight it.
When the IRS is under-funded, they’re less able to go after the wealthy and are left the poor who won’t be able to fight it.
It’s the subtler version of hostile architecture. You know how they designed benches to be impossible for homeless people to sleep on? They do not want a customer to stay at the building after they have made a purchase. It is more efficient if the children do not come inside and a new customer can take their place. The building is not made for humans, it is made for money.
I wish I had known when I was young that you can stealthily flex muscles like hamstrings and glutes to end an unwanted erection. It draws blood to those muscle groups and away from the erection.
Work within the constraints of the first past the post voting system you have while working toward ranked choice or something more functional.
He relied primarily on Russian, Iranian, and Hezbollah support.
Maybe just never heard of drummer boys that small.
Only 90’s kids will remember
The people of the moon crave freedom from an unspecified tyrant.
Chants of Sennaar is absolutely one of my favorite games. It’s one of the few games I’ve played where the mechanics of the game and the themes of the game were in perfect harmony.
While it’s obviously weird to want the bill of rights and declaration of independence in your Bible; let me just say, if your goal is to convert kids to Christianity, the KJV bible is just completely opaque to children that don’t normally read 17th century literature.
Well, there’s still Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico.
Steven Spielberg was the producer on Boom Blox for the Wii.
If you get a chance, she’s absolutely amazing in Gosford Park from 2001.
It’s odd that I find this incredibly encouraging. It tells me that for all the negative coverage, the protests must be working.
I’ve been thinking about why the assassination attempts have only just now started. I wonder if they become more likely when a politician or celebrity is seen as weakening in favor as opposed to when they are on the rise.
And multi-winner ranked choice with larger districts makes gerrymandering much less impactful.
He spent a lot of his presidency watching Fox News and ignoring his briefings. Staff figured out pretty quickly that he likes pictures and compliments and tried to use those to help him get through minutes of material.
You can’t resist a 5 octave rosewood marimba.
Yeah, we’ve got to get rid of all of this Bronze-age crap they’re teaching our kids.