Just make sure any power saving features are disabled. That is, if the 3000km journey to wiggle the mouse is not on your bucket list.
Global namespace extremist. Defragment your communities!
Just make sure any power saving features are disabled. That is, if the 3000km journey to wiggle the mouse is not on your bucket list.
In my experience, this is not the case. It just says it can’t connect. Doesn’t specify how or where to.
Ok, I’m going to say it… a tiling window mamager would actually make sense for apps not optimized for dynamic resizing. Why do we resist this so much on android?
It’s a vendor specific thing, so if that bothers you, just look up the pairing procedure for each device before buying.
As far as I remember, the philips bulbs can be reset by holding on and off buttons on the remote. This functinality has a limited range, but a sophisticated attacker could probably just bring a better antenna.
In practice, the compatibility issues will probably keep you busy enough not to think about the theoretical attacks.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to discourage you. Practically all the lights in my house, and some other stuff like blinds and aquarium equipment, are running on zigbee. When you finally tune it just right, it’s pretty great.
Zigbee devices that can be remotely reset back into pairing mode.
Meanwhile, the vendors are introducing security vulnerabilities marketed as features, even in protocols that would be reasonably secure otherwise…
Found myself replacing the broken file roller flatpak by the file roller from thr APT repo.
The desktop linux feels more and more like windows as time goes on. The things that worked fine for years are being broken in new and innovative ways.
Using some server hundreds of kilometers away to send something to the person standing in front of me does not make any sense.
What’s even more enraging is that phones used to be able to do that until the manufacturers decided to remove the ability and kept replacing it with ever changing inferior alternatives until people rather used whatsapp or dropbox.
I use miscale 1 with gadgetbridge. Homeassistant has also autodiscivered it, but I’m hessitant to pair it with 2 different devices so no idea if it actually works.
Personally, I’m a big fan of leaving. When shooting, or barbed wires are imminent, just pack your family, some essentials and go have a long boring life somewhere else.
As long as you’re alive, you have options. And the majority of them are usually better than just giving up and dying, either by a civil war or under the occupation forces.
The only thing not clear is the timing. How close is the shit from the fan at any particular moment?
The goal of the hostile country is to cause chaos and conflict. It does not care if an insider or outsider does it.
The only way to win is not to play.
That’s one of the most dangerous myths about marxism and similar ideologies.
It wouldn’t work even if everybody had their best intentions in mind, and did their absolute best to contribute.
Everyone living together on a shared plot and exchanging goods & services instead of money.
Can’t imagine looking for an alcoholic shoemaker willing to exchange a pair of shoes for 10 liters of vodka.
if you’re using it as a vacation rental and doing all the cleaning and maintenance yourself. If you hire someone else to do the work for you then it becomes private property
Do you guys even listen to yourself? This makes zero sense.
The recent strong example of a communist revolution gave us the anti-communist revolution. It took us 30 fucking years though. And the cost of this little detour can still be felt today. We’re at least 2 generations of progress behind, compared to our western peers.
Yes, they are. Because by destroying the market, you also destroy the toothbrush making machines, and kill the toothbrush makers. Have fun eating the rich, but don’t complain when they end up stuck between your theeth.
Are there some openwrt based access points with proper client roaming? I use some random off the shelf tplinks as APs, and the connection always drops for a few seconds as I walk through the house. Turns out, I walk around a lot while talking on the phone.
I’ve been playing with the idea of buying ubiquiti, but that’s quite overpriced, especially considering that the budget option goes 90% of the way for at least 1/10 of the price.
I sense huge r/antiwork vibes. I hope it will be at least as much fun.