No, never. I also never remember any of my dreams though.
No, never. I also never remember any of my dreams though.
Payload has gotta be my favorite, but I also really love king of the hill and attack/defend. I probably have around 150 hours from playing versus Saxton Hale from when i was a kid, of course recently it became an official gamemode.
It’s valve so it could be tomorrow or never. Probably never if I had to guess
I would say if I could mandate one nerf it would be the vaccinator. It isn’t as overpowered against competent players as some items (actually it’s quite bad in organized competitive), but in casual you can completely shut down a single player on the other team with it. Nothing feels worse than being the only sentient player on your team only to have a vaccinator medic render you essentially useless. Sadly the best way to counter it is to get your own vaccinator pocket, and the game just devolves.
I honestly do NOT want a TF3 based on what happend with CS2, but if it were happening I would want to see all of the classes to be given items that allow them to be more fast paced without breaking them. For example, give engineer an alternative to his default teleporter, which is very hard to get value from on 5 control point maps because of how quick and dynamic the mode sometimes is. Give heavy something different that isnt broken too. I’m not sure how to fix these classes to make them less repetitive, but that would be nice to see in a theoretical tf3. They would need to keep a LOT to make it worth playing. I would say mimicing the movement is the most important, even bugs like speedshots and trimping. I am by no means a programming expert but I am assuming that this would be near impossible to get right which is another reason I don’t really want at tf3.
Lastly, I think there are already spin off games that I already want the most, such as Open Fortress and Team Fortress Classic that will be able to be put onto steam soon because of the SDK being released. In a perfect world i would like to see a competitive mod released as well that fixed some issues with existing gamemodes like MGE (tf2’s community made mod). The in game “competitive” is terrible.
It is encoded with AV1 so maybe that’s why? I just unlisted it on youtube too:
lol no, just when it comes to gaming. I’ve been playing tf2 since 2015/2016 ish and there is no other game that can scratch the same itch.
Dang, I need to get back into rimworld. Not too much time on my hands rn u fortunately
This is sick, makes me want to start playing minecraft on my deck. What launcher do you use?
I remember them being way more sour back then. I chalked it up to me being an adult for why they are less sour lol
“Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer. I read it in high school so maybe I wouldn’t hate it as much as I do if I wasn’t forced to read it, but the plot is basically about a booksmart kid who decides to leave his rich parents and society behind to live in remote Alaska. The book follows Chris McCandless along his journey from the Eastern part of the country, through the South, and finally up the West coast and to Alaska (hitchhiking mostly). When he gets to Alaska, instead of actually being prepared and realizing the risk, he goes into “Into the Wild” incredibly unprepared - he ends up having to stay at his remote camp well into the spring because he didn’t consider all the snow melting would render the river blocking his path back to society completely uncrossable. He ends up dying because he ruins most of a moose by failing to properly smoke the meat, and eats a poisionous plant out of desperation. Obviously this could have been avoided by just doing the proper research or bringing extra food (he only brought a few pounds of rice, and the guy who drove him to his final stop literally told him it was a bad idea to do this with so few supplies and only a .22 rifle). Basically his horrible death could have been easily avoided if he wasn’t such an idiot.
The author clearly had a ton of respect for the guy, because he spent a year or two peicing all this together. He spoke about Chris (the unprepared trancendentalist wannabe) with a great deal of reverence, acting like he was a martyr for a cause unclear to me. Why you would want to spend years of your life in an attempt to immortalize an idiot, I am not sure. The author also decided to randomly interrupt the main story with a few chapters about his own moronic adventures, which made an already bad book worse.
There is a way to save a configuration to your mouse and then you can just disable/uninstall the bloatware
Does anyone know what the requirement is to be considered an active user? Does this count lurkers who don’t post or does simply viewing content include them? Sorry if this is answered somewhere else, I’m just curious and lazy
I put Tabasco on my pizza all the time :)
Video games, specifically team fortress 2.
In the past 365 days I have gained almost half a million views and more than 4000 new subscribers on youtube :)
“Now go - don’t go. Now go. Now go” -Brians soundboard of Nogla on death run. The cherry on top is Moo absolutely losing his mind failing the obstacle in the background.
Speaking of not being able to do obstacles, Marcel being unable to do the knife obstacle stands out.
Vanoss fooling wildcat in guess who by duisuising as a hunter and wildcat tries to sodoku him is hysterical… most of the sodoku moments are great
Its been a while since I went back and watched some of their older studd, but I’m sure there are a ton I’m forgetting.
I am not a counter strike player so my knowledge on the subject is a bit shakey but from what I understand there were a lot of issues with the game on release (which isn’t anything new when it comes to video games). The main issue is that in order to avoid crashing the csgo economy, they transferred everybody’s items and pulled the plug on csgo’s matchmaking. You can still play it of course, but without matchmaking the game is essentially dead.
The reason I don’t want a TF3 is because
That is my opinion, maybe I am an out of touch boomer. Chances are that Valve does nothing so I’m not too woried.