We ladies must look desirable; the fashion styles changed to accentuate my hips and my tits, my baby making parts.
Bring back ostentatious codpieces for the dudes
We ladies must look desirable; the fashion styles changed to accentuate my hips and my tits, my baby making parts.
Bring back ostentatious codpieces for the dudes
He made a video about the Mig Switch and now Nintendo has its lawyers watching his channel like a hawk
With two strikes they could totally nuke the channel at any moment by copyright claiming any Nintendo footage or imagery he’s shown in any video he’s ever made
This implies the CIA disinfo was some kind of oopsie
Isn’t she a cop that works for Interpol or something
You only had to do that once? In the initial phase I just couldn’t get rid of the pop-ups for longer than one session
They also prohibited a demonstration by the progressive Jewish group Jüdische Stimme.
Explaining their reasoning on the Jüdische Stimme protest, the police told The New York Times that the demonstration was “explicitly open to participants of Palestinian origin,” and said organizers coordinated with protesters whose demonstrations were banned over concerns about antisemitic incitement.
Let’s not forget the MO Discs from Resident Evil and MGS
I’m assuming this will escalate to some insanely locked down DRM scheme. Guess I’ll enjoy uBlock, ReVanced and yt-dlp while I can
It really annoys me when I see people on bicycles or e-scooters just browsing Twitter or whatever on their phones. At least people looking at their phones in cars have a steel box around them to protect them from their stupidity
I keep expecting blurry images of protestors or human shaped blobs huddling behind cover with some kind of crosshair over them
I’ve found it to be a very useful word though
I had it pretty bad for several days, having to purge the cache several times but I saw no pop-ups yesterday or the day before that. Hoping that’s still the case today
In Europe it’s the Autumn of Capitalism
Oh, definitely but it’s shockingly bad when using YT without logging in
Yeah, as good as Youtube’s algorithms are at pushing hardcore right-wing content on completely fresh accounts in like 3 clicks, my accounts have been around for so long that my recommends tend to be on the money most of the time.
I discover multiple new channels each month from my recommends whereas 10 years ago I’d occasionally check a channel that a friend recommended or was embedded on a forum post
They’re just being dicks considering how tiny the Firefox userbase is
I fully expect to have to be fingeprinted, DNA tested and retinal scanned to access cOnTenT in a year or two
These guys sound awful but if they gotta harrass somebody I at least hope it’s Evangelical tourists
Not sure how things are in Austria but where I live fast food is really expensive for someone strapped for cash
The bodies of North Korean soldiers dissolve upon death like the Ganados in Resident Evil 4