For sure. I think if some of the big streamers move to their own systems that would have some big blows. I haven’t used Critical Roles new systems but I assume they could get a big switch over if they push it hard
For sure. I think if some of the big streamers move to their own systems that would have some big blows. I haven’t used Critical Roles new systems but I assume they could get a big switch over if they push it hard
I do think another system has a chance of becoming popular but I would guess it would be a large second after DnD with lots of splintering. I LOVE Paizo and Pathfinder. Free online searchable rules are amazing and no one plays 3.5e when pathfinder 1 exists since its just a straight upgrade. That being said both Pathfinder editions are still super crunchy, math heavy and require research to make a playable character. Its still called Mathfinder for a reasons so there is a limit to its userbase.
That being said I know there will be plenty of Plan B and other systems waiting for when DnD really messes up. You can see that with the OGL problems where tons of new content was created especially since you can’t copyright rules or stat blocks. I think the ORC will end up being a longer term stabilizing and creative force for TTRPG. But DnD will still be here because its basically a synonym for TTRPGs at this point.
I don’t think this very hard to predict. Everyone is going to slowly move into 5.5 edition over the next few years as they start new campaigns since there are good quality of life increases in this edition in the exact same way no one plays 3.0 but only 3.5. Hasbro is going to try some stupid digital only / VTT which is going to be pushed really hard. Its going to be a mild success but Roll20 and cheaper / freer VTTs still exist it won’t make as much money as expected. Hasbro is going to then make some A.I. DM which is going to be awful despite spending millions in development and marketing. No one will want to use it because it defeats the whole purpose of DnD and will be too expensive. There will then be some crisis about the DnD brand when Hasbro can’t make enough money off of it but it won’t affect people who have physical books who will continue to play the same way they always have. I am calling it now
The invasion of Iraq was a great decision. The region will be much safer
My preferred edit is “Happy Spouse, Happy House”
The political science and economic experts in the US have been suffering from chronic hubris ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union. This hubris has infected the Democratic party. The political science and economic experts aren’t learning from their mistakes, and thus neither are the Democrats. Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.
The thing about these experts is that these fields have major physics envy where they use complex math to solve these problems which hides massive incorrect assumptions that break everything. They want to be like physics where math can be used to predict what is happening but politics and economics are not controlled by nature but things made up by humans. They are fundamentally more interconnected and random. With these fields its better to be incorrect like all of your peers than being the lone voice that is correct.
I have loved by Loops for concerts. They keep all of the music but remove all of the screaming. I used them when I watched Taylor Swift which was all screams and loved it
This is exactly what it’s happening. You notice that consent is always attacked.
With her current amount of money I think that would be a No. However, it is interesting since she directly makes what is she is getting paid for which is her music. There are obviously teams of people she employs to help with this process as well as the spin off products (merchandise, CDs, movies, etc.) but she directly makes what she sells like all musicians. If she was barely scraping by with just her music I think most people would say that she would be working class. So it gets blurry.
I think its similar to athletes who do the core work that they get paid to do (i.e. play the sport). But make additional funds by selling their name and likeness. So they could be considered working class but then you get to the amount of money they make as well.
I have been doing the “The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love” book club at recently which has been my only real interaction with hexbear. The book club has been great so far and if anyone wants to talk about feminism and masculinity should join.
There are a lot of in-group signaling across their own users which mostly shows up with acronyms, specific phrases and calling everyone comrade. This hasn’t been that difficult in the book club which is long form text and discussion and everyone is respectful and nice. That being said I have blocked a few communities at hexbear because I have found them annoying and taking over my feed. So like everything here at Lemmy I had curate my own experience
My joke suggestion is Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande. Mostly because it gives Santa very interesting Christmas themed powers of mind reading and divination.
But I really enjoyed Sia’s Everyday is Christmas album which is now on regular rotation this season. They are all new Christmas songs and got some bangers.
Shut up baby. I know it
Lets protect democracy by destroying it ourselves. That will show them…
Exactly. There are some asexual kinksters as well as those kinksters who play with people who they are not sexually attracted too.
The way I have been thinking about this recently is Spending Time vs Wasting Time. Spending Time is self care while Wasting Time is not. Spending time is doing leisure activities or anything that bring me joy that is long lasting. Wasting Time is doing something just to be distracting for the moment but once its done I don’t feel really rested and relaxed. These Time Wasting activities give a little pleasure but I always feel a little bored during or afterwards. What is spending time and wasting time can change based on your values and what have been doing recently.
If we are using food as an example, spending time is a pot pie and wasting time is popcorn. Pot pies are healthy, filling and comforting when eating it and it lasts. Popcorn is satisfying while eating it but doesn’t last and isn’t that healthy. Nothing wrong with some popcorn but you can’t live off it along. Spending time on the internet for me is like Popcorn. I do it often but I can’t have it be all my leisure time or else I feel bored.
I really enjoyed Pleasure Activism to understand what is true lasting pleasure. It is not for everyone, since its a large number of short stories / essays with a specific viewpoint but its useful to think about.
They described him as a moderate in the article but I say we got a progressive agenda here in MN when we had our trifecta.
Frankly more people were excited about Tim Walz then Kamala Harris. Let’s get more MN politicians in there instead of people from the coasts. The focus on getting someone from the Midwest is the only good news I see. We need someone from Minnesota, Wisconsin or Michigan to lead the party from the inside. They might be fully progressive but understand how to organize and message to everyone. They can’t just float by on politics as usual
I know. I hate it. I don’t know why
Chris Perkins is retiring I think. I used to watch DnD official interviews and chats for a while while Todd Kendrick did their interviews for DnDBeyonds social team. He was awesome but I think they stopped doing them. Jeremy Crawford is there head of rules who I really like but others are not a fan. ( I think it’s something to do with his unofficial ruling via Twitter IDK.) I have stopped post OGL nonsense and when Todd was let go / the killed his interview show.
You are right that with some social pressure a CR system could pull people off. I’m sure the DnD team are trying to keep the big streamers happy. Paizo before they did pathfinder was the publisher of the official DnD magazine before that was killed / brought in house. So it can be done