Man not even using the history command
Man not even using the history command
I haven’t taken an econ class in 8-9 years but I remember it saying there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Someone has to pay for it. And when you frame things in that light, then yes I could see how an econ teacher would call that stealing.
But econ is a weird science, it’s explaining human behaviors and people are weird.
For the few cases I watch live TV over the antenna, I will either lower the volume or leave it be. Muting to silence is usually too jarring but the same could be said about the ad itself
Years of GOP meddling with education, which is only gonna nose dive when dept of education gets dismantled
Bravo, I had been just thinking about getting some of these made up
I keep ear plugs in my zip pouch wallet so I’m always ready for any concerts or random loud areas.
I wouldn’t say it cost any votes, but it seemed to rile them up more
While I agree with you, the party has some hard reckoning coming up when Trumps gone. No one can fill his shoes. They’re going to have to pivot somewhere
She’s 52, could easily set herself up for 2028
All it takes is some API calls and some simple python scripting and you could data mine a person. Maybe they subconsciously only upvote LGBT posts. Maybe they downvote leftwing posts.
Then, oops, one day they post something that can doxx them and now they’re getting targeted ads or worst case a stalker or someone who wants to get them fired/thrown in jail.
Now imagine a machine learning algorithm or AI has done all the data mining and it took just a couple days to work through all users on
If there’s any data that could be used to make money someone will eventually try it.
That one is a Olympic copyright issue. Either NBC since they pay so much for the rights or the IOC flag videos immediately so all your left with is low quality videos.
It genuinely ruins trying to find Olympics content if NBC doesn’t cover that specific event
It’s probably a McKinsey playbook getting passed around
McDonald’s is on the boycott list for the Palestinian genocide. I’m really curious if that had any effect.
I would think it’s not that much inside the US but McDonald’s has a large global presence.
If you know plex it’s the same thing just open source.
But they are just video player front ends for your media libray
2020 yes, 2024 no. Biden had small time candidates against him in the primaries (Dean Phillips, Marianne Williamson, RFK).
The consensus in the DNC was for no major candidates to challenge him as it may shake his standing. It’s tradition to not primary against an incumbent.
This is turning into Succession
I wonder if it’s actually interpreting the bookshelf or if having such a busy background is taking a toll on the compression. That would alter the details on the person’s face
They should ride a paternoster, those doorless elevators that are continuously running
Didn’t realize MapleStory is still kicking around