I started using Linux 2 years back.
Here’s the cause and it’s normal.
I remember going through a lot of hopping the first 3 or 4 years but have been settled on Arch since then.
I like sysadmin, scripting, manga and football.
I started using Linux 2 years back.
Here’s the cause and it’s normal.
I remember going through a lot of hopping the first 3 or 4 years but have been settled on Arch since then.
“Google could be forced to sell Chrome” was the news in late november so I guess this a reaction to that.
You can also disable app install and update for each profile and instead just apply them directly and manually from the owner profile.
I bought my Pixel 8a like a month ago for 380 euros and the first thing I did was install GrapheneOS
I only stayed on the stock system long enough to pull all the updates and make sure all the hardware worked just fine so I don’t know what I’m missing out versus stock ROM but so far it works absolutely perfect.
I compiled the system and kernel myself since it makes sense when you are installing a security/privacy centered OS and it instructions worked without a hiccup.
I have three users for compartimentation in my setup.
Owner user only has source available apps compiled by myself barring Firefox because its a pain. I run Shelter to create a work profile where I have the sandboxed Play Services for some critical proprietary apps that I need notifications from.
Games user is self explanatory. It’s not allowed to run any applications in the background and I am just there logged on my google account so I can get some of the subscriptions I pay.
“Swamp” user. It’s not allowed to run any applications in the backgrouns either and I just use it for bottom of the barrel apps like Discord, Instagram… to stay in touch with some irl friends.
I dont think there’s anything that seamless integrate on keyboards or social/chat apps but you could try to selfhost a booru app and then share the hotlinks to those gifs.
They are mostly known for anime and weeb stuff but for memes and gifs I think the tagging system would work the best so you can quickly search what you want.
Pixel 8A surprinsingly the 4k60fps video worked. No zoom, it just hangs preview. Night mode does nothing. Has way more controls which is nice but I’m not a super hardcore photographer so welp.
Having a Google Pixel is hard to imagine a camera that works better than a Pixel camera with internet permissions disabled. But I will try later to compile from source and check how it works.
Lemmy itself and then run any of the importers I guess it would be really straightforward
Ubuntu is like all other Linux distributions, they add to fragmentation.
Everyone should run Arch Linux
I use arch linux btw
Android? that screencap is from Plasma Mobile afaik
Yeah but I assumed this is about providing the gpu with any user defined amount of ram
From what I read online this only works for integrated cards?
If you expect your IT cousin/uncle/brother hosting the family immich/nextcloud to not be a trusted person in regards of bad actors your issue is not exclusive to selfhosting.
That’s like saying a farmer will put cheese on a piece of cardboard for the mice to eat.
They might eat it yes, but that wasnt the reason for the whole interaction to start. The glue around the cheese was.
It’s supposedly faster/snappier loading on large rooms. But if you are self-hosting a single user instance, you might not notice much improvement.
I was also running the dendrite but I gave up because it seemed like development was stalled so I moved over to Synapse.
Note that most wireguard clients wont re-resolve when the dns entry changes and they will keep silently a failed tunnel so you would have to do some measure to periodically restart the tunnel.
Is x266 actually taking off? With all the members of AOmedia that control graphics hardware (AMD, Intel, Nvidia) together it feels like mpeg will need to gain a big partner to stay relevant.
For an old nvidia it might be too much energy drain.
I was also using the integrated intel for video re-encodes and I got an Arc310 for 80 bucks which is the cheapest you will get a new card with AV1 support.
Upgraded here, no issues :) Thanks for your work!
Bold of you to not run to assume I don’t run Arch on my server too (but with all the services inside containers (which are arch images))