to connect sub-functionalities (like git and todos) i think one needs a top-level project. from the project you can navigate to all the connected apps/functionalites (or however they are called on
to connect sub-functionalities (like git and todos) i think one needs a top-level project. from the project you can navigate to all the connected apps/functionalites (or however they are called on
more like #4 considering the hexbear duplicate
definitely looks like two hands high-fiveing
It’s called doing a Homer
so… what is it? is it really safe to try?
you do not need to have gapps installed on your android phone (e.g. LineageOS)
not at all. it simplifies the learning experience by quite a bunch.
one of the more confusing is learning other gendered languages where the gender of some object is different to the one in your mother tongue
what is DataBackRibs? please link your community, now i’m curious
how economic wealth is created (and what it actually is)
you can promote your community by responding to relevant posts or comments.
say you create a community for ducks and mallards, then you can go to the birding or wildlife communities and tell people posting there about your awesome new place
it’s as simple as
loss-less vs. lossy
within only a few words of the main description of the thing - no judgement on the tech whatsoever (at least from my side)