Are you comparing power plants to cruise ships?
Are you comparing power plants to cruise ships?
Yeah, but I don’t think this will change anything. It’s clear that especially afd is full of these antidemocratic, fascist hags and still CDU is actively flirting with them AND their ideas.
Germany is very likely to have the far right back in the government within the next 8 years. When that happens these people won’t act in the underground anymore.
It is called “broken heart syndrome”.
"Broken heart syndrome is a condition that can cause rapid and reversive heart muscle weakness, also known as stress cardiomyopathy.
What causes broken heart syndrome? Two kinds of stress — emotional or physical — often cause broken heart syndrome. But while most people with this condition experience a stressful event, up to 30% of patients have no identifiable trigger at the time of their initial symptoms.
Emotional Stressors Emotional stressors include:
-Extreme anger
Because they aren’t free if you only get them by paying 400 bucks to spend your money.
The incubation time is key. Imagine, we are already carrying the virus, babies are infected in the womb or through a funghi. Some show symptoms immediately, some later, some never.
The deposit system would be great to see for take away/ delivery food as well. Here in Germany we have it for coffee cups and bottles/ cans you buy from the supermarket. Works great and is really easy to adapt to, just the garbage from Take away food is still a pain in the ass.
100% agree Pho is a life saviour in these situations. But at the same time thats what pho is in any situation. Like a hug, a blanket and a kiss on the forehead.
I love the supermarkets that have a beep thing, that you use to beep everything during shopping, than you just hand the beep thing over to the cashier or beep it at the self check out, pay and get the fuck out of there.
I just love the fact, that when humans decided to hate cats, cats almost wiped out human kind without even being there. So maybe the ones who were fearing the cats weren’t wrong after all? But it doesn’t matter, we all have to praise and cater to the catlords, who knows what could happen otherwise.
Please no.
So you treat them with the feeling of superiority that they are 100% sure, you know that they ignore you when they let you do the signal dance over and over again?
Funny how US conservatives sound like muslim fundamentalists.
Depends what kind of homework. A huge portion of school is just there to learn how to learn. Learn how to teach yourself something. Getting the fundamental basics of knowledge and how to tackle subjects that are strange, foreign, boring.
Some things you’ll have to learn by yourself. Students between 5 - 14 are just not there to learn vocabulary, basic maths, etc. on their own. It gives every student the chance to do it at their own pace, find their own way how to learn and understand it best, using the tools they learned during class.
That the execution of this theory is not the best (especially in certain countries) is obvious, however, I think without homework I would have no tools nowadays to get into a new, complicated topic without being tutored/ guided all the way through.
I remember getting a new phone and somehow i downloaded reddit instead of boost. I thought Ah come on, how bad can it be, let’s try one more round. 5 minutes in I ended up like this and noped out of there. I still miss my reddit communities a bit, but as a mobile user there is no going back.
Please not by the roadside, noone wants to see your progress to absolute freedom.
I was seduced, though the last time I played a PC game was somewhen in the 90s. Thought to get into that steam thing. Opened an account, ordered the steam deck, had the account blocked for fraud, my order cancelled, was not eager to share my ID with steam. Aaand still don’t own one. Now I am just not up for it anymore. Maybe you can take that route.
Aaand that’s me. I love to feel superior to rich, disgusting people, during the 60 min. media time in my 9-5 job that barely pays the bills (except Kardashians).
Yeah, don’t be shocked. Without the blocker every app makes one successful attempt and just tracks, with the blocker they attempt again and again like a hamster running against a wall.
Some apps won’t work with the blocker. I tried to block Chrome and after a while none of the apps I have installed would work, until I unblocked it.
The funny thing is, that many boomers dislike exactly that fact about generations younger than them. They think because esp. Millenials and Genz learned to name and voice their feelings, they are weak.
It is incredible mental gymnastics, however a lot of boomers tend to blame this “weakness” for economical struggle of younger generations.