Seems like lots of vpn providers offer port forwarding after a fashion. It surprised me too but there were summary comparisons just a search away.
Seems like lots of vpn providers offer port forwarding after a fashion. It surprised me too but there were summary comparisons just a search away.
Assuming your vpn provides a stable remote IP, your client connection needs to use that. Try “whatsmyip” or similar over the vpn. The remote address almost certainly won’t appear in the local output of ip a
Locally, listen on the “this host”,
You may need to check your firewall locally.
You don’t need to run your http service to troubleshoot - simple tools like netcat can listen for incoming requests - nc -l 8000
or what-have-you.
Finally: you might want to look at using a shell host as the client rather than targeting your vpn ip from your local host, just to take hairpin connections out of consideration when troubleshooting.
C++ is one if those languages where writing a library feels hugely different from using it. Boost is a case in point here: there are brilliant peiple behind it, but (error messages aside) the ergonomics of using thise libs in an application are usually pretty good.
(Scala felt similar to me. There are other languages where it feels much less like I’m swapping hats as I flip between parts of a codebase.)
He doesn’t want to be co-president. He’s a founder of the USA.
Antibiotic-resistant communicable diseases don’t respect political borders.
Fucking well said.
Ivan’s Childhood; although all of Tarkovsky’s oeuvre is worth it.
That’s Alan Turing the traitor as played by Sherlock Holmes?
It is a film with a great list of cheap tropes to avoid.
I’m a mathematician too. They’re probably speaking from an intuitive grasp of utility.
Yeah, but still - the elephant.
I care about my friends, and if they want to talk about it, I’m happy to listen.
Depending on what the thing is (eg, potential new person) they can be inherently interesting too.
The Tarot of the Bohemians.
I think it’s fairly parochial, and sounds quite infantile to me. Growing up (uk) we just used clockwise to tighten.
“I love life on Earth… but I love capitalism more.”
Sexy anti-woke task force officer?
That was my, admittedly bitter, point, yes. You do have to wonder what the hell weretcollectively playing at.
We live in a world of plenty where we still produce enough food that nobody need go hungry.
It does make me wonder about quantum suicide.
The Sixth Sense.
How do you know it’s a bad idea without knowing what the goal is?