I once wrote a bc script that calculated parameters for the Blackman window for a FIR filter. (Had formulas already so not that impressive) Upped the precision until it needed like 30 sec to calculate, completely unnecessarely :).
I once wrote a bc script that calculated parameters for the Blackman window for a FIR filter. (Had formulas already so not that impressive) Upped the precision until it needed like 30 sec to calculate, completely unnecessarely :).
Scheme and many others. And lots of libraries for C and others.
It’s called bignum, or Arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
30%, same as apple, gog and… Well epic takes less then 15, microsoft takes even less, itch also takes less (unclear to me if 10% or set your own).
Anyway steam is only good for game makers because it is steam. Financially that is, because it is the biggest.
Edit: Itch default is 10%, but you can set it to 0% or even up to 100% if you want.
It’s not similar to any meme I know.
People here have no idea how any of this works, or why the lighting was off.
CRT monitors did not display light intensity linearly. Remember gamma ? That was it, gamma correction. Gpu chips at the time practically had to have that in. And it didn’t even matter that much if it was a bit off because our eyes are not linear. Like remember quake ? Nobody cared quake was not color accurate.
The gpu manufacturers knew it all, be it nvidia, ati, 3dfx. Color spaces were well known, and nobody had a color accurate monitor at home anyway. Even today you can buy a monitor that’s way off.
Maybe that guy did get them to care more about it, but I can not read such a “hateful” article to make a conclusion (I did skim it).
Anyway none of it matters now when color is in 32bit floats and all the APIs support multiple color spaces.
Turning heat into mechanical or chemical or electric energy directly is really hard, you know.
It’s funny that you can get more energy from gas by using it to heat water and using a steam turbine to drive whatever. It’s just not always practical.
Hokei, so. Usb “packets” are 12 bytes or something, and it’s not good for performance to stop the flow. The solution is, as always, to have a buffer. Problem is that some kernel geniuses decided that GIGABYTES is a good buffer size. This was all when spinning hdds were the standard and new fast usbs were comming, but still.
Oh, and for some reason the transfer bar sometimes works fine for me.
I had to move a horse, to fill its water bucket while it was eating. I tap and talk, nothing. I push, can’t. I had to punch it literally as hard as I could so it would acknowledge me. They have really thick skin.
Disclaimer: Don’t punch a horse if you don’t know it and what you are doing. They get scared easily and you won’t be the first to get your jaw wired back together.
There weren’t many meadows before humans came, it was all forrest.
It’s standard practice for ram, at least it was. I remember companies being busted with warehouses of ram sticks.
I feel like you are making up words
To be fair the cost benefit ratio of llms is way out of whack. It’s even behind outdoor heating in bars.
Microwaves are ~2.4GHz, same as wifi. That is the resonant freq of water. They don’t go deep, not even close to a milimeter. And it all converts to heat.
The sun is more damageing then microwaves of same power. And ionizing radiation is the really harmful one.
Uhmm… It was always possible to make an “app” that works on all linuxes the same.
If you had a vaginal yeast infection and the doctor told you “take an aspirine and you’l be fine”, that doctor would be fucked. You can say “oh, but Orange is obviously not a doctor”. But, again, he was in a position of authority, with enough resources easily at his diposal to know better. He is objectively so stupid that he is objectively harmful when put in a position of authority. And he proved it in a crysis when he said that a placebo is a cure and that doctors idk some stupid conspiracy or whatever. Do you understand ?
If it doesn’t work on what you presribe it for, then it’s not a drug for that. There is no partisaning in it. The Orange was president of one of the richest countries on this planet and he, full of confidence, said such stupidity that it hurts ( and whoever belived him did hurt, especially the dead ones ). He had an army of doctors at his disposal, including Army doctors, and he claimed things a homless guy down the street could tell you are fucking stupid. He’s a great leader, that one.
I put something on my phone when going to sleep
Cheaper hobby then electronics.