They recently relocated to Switzerland, after the AFP visited an employee, unannounced, at their home.
They recently relocated to Switzerland, after the AFP visited an employee, unannounced, at their home.
Maybe, but if you’re burning codes in this scenario, you’ve got bigger problems to solve.
Create a secret passphrase - that only your family knows - that can be used to verbally verify it’s the real you and not a scam caller. Bonus points: create an alternate passphrase that can be used to signal that you’re under duress.
The Wolf Among Us is awesome. Batman was pretty good too. I’ve been wanting to play The Expanse.
Have you considered self-hosting? If so, there are a couple of options, such as Calibre-web.
I have been running it for several weeks now and haven’t had any problems. I still use Firefox for things that don’t work well in a Flatpack environment, and Firefox works and syncs as expected. I don’t use a Start page or sync open tabs though.
Have you had a look at binhex’s privoxyvpn docker container? Sounds similar to what you’re looking to do.
Plex can do it, but I assume you need a Plex Pass. I haven’t used the feature myself.
You can easily re-roll usernames in Signal, and profiles in SimpleX. I couldn’t find an equivalent feature in Session.