Starts out as top left, starts taking care of himself and going to the gym, reaches top right and keeps going until getting to bottom left. Meanwhile the bottom right picture gets skinnier over time.
Starts out as top left, starts taking care of himself and going to the gym, reaches top right and keeps going until getting to bottom left. Meanwhile the bottom right picture gets skinnier over time.
I don’t give a crap if the clocks stay forward or stay back, as long as they stay put.
Luigi did nothing wrong.
I heard his name was Simon Belmont. Here’s an artist’s sketch:
I looked at the article about spatchcocking. It did not resemble what I did. I also looked at the link about culantro vs cilantro and made an educated guess, having accidentally soap-fumed my kitchen in the past by chopping up cilantro. Were you telling me I should try spatchcocking next year? Based on how things cooked this year, I doubt I’ll be doing that. Different parts of the bird cooked at different rates and needed to come off of the fire pit at different times. Are you just some smartass trying to show off what you learned in culinary school this week? That’s a good way to become a meme, like a certain high school kid in the 2000s who had seen plenty of photoshops in his time and wanted the world to know about it.
No, I didn’t just cut it open. I cut it apart. Drumstick here, wing there, breast meat, small bits because I’m bad at doing the proper cuts. The closest I came to marinating was just tossing it in some salt and pepper for seasoning and sugar for color. Never heard of culantro before, but from the sounds of it, it seems like just a stronger, probably soapier version of cilantro. I’ll skip that.
Insurance companies hate this one weird trick! Find out more at!
I ended up stumbling into an amazing way to cook turkey this year after we decided we didn’t want to get up early enough to cook it the way we normally would. Instead, we decided it would be better to carve up the raw bird into smaller pieces and cook it over a wood fire. Did the carving the day before, seasoned it with salt, pepper, and a bit of sugar.
So, Main Character Syndrome?
There is no escape from the bigly stable genius. Covfefe.
I want to get off Mr. Trump’s Wild Ride.
He probably thinks those water frog chemicals are being used to dye suits or something, IDK.
Do we get to bring back the “dispense with this notion” meme?
So, by that logic, we can probably expect Ted Cruz to be the next guy in Grover 2.0’s cabinet.
There’s nothing wrong with blaming them, but we still need to figure out how to get their lazy asses into the booths in 2026, 2028, and beyond.
In 99.95% of all pregnancies, the mother is just fine.
And most cases of abortion happen because the mother is not “just fine” at all and will die or be disfigured if abortion is not carried out in a timely manner.
On the bright side, at least we’ll finally be rid of the motherfucker on Inauguration Day 2029, assuming he doesn’t keel over from oldasfuckitis before then.
I’m just now finding out that drag was banned and was a troll and not just some novelty rando that I’d see in comments every now and then.