I recently read that the Toyota Crown is assembled in Japan. Has there been any hints of tariffs there?
lol who downvotes this?
That community just got revived! Good timing.
Not an ad, but “Ding fries are done…” has ruined one of my favorite holiday songs.
Well they ended up going from trump to no-vote. Feels bitter sweet, but the upside is we still had very constructive conversations and I’m taking that as a win.
Appreciate it, and the warning too. This family member and I had a long chat through the early morning hours recently. We had civil exchange of differing ideas and concerns, and both agreed we would pick our top three problems on our mind for the election and research them together over the weekend. I have to give it a shot.
Illegal immigration and crime is one of their big items, so trying to learn more.
Can someone help with data refuting immigrants as source of crime? I’ve got a family member who believes this and I’m trying to come with an objective response.
Gangster Capitalism has a great podcast series on Liberty University for those interested.
Feel like an idiot here, but what’s the bottom one?
Same, except I lift with my teenage son and daughter. We got a power rack in the garage and now they drag me out to it with them. We’re all feeling better about ourselves!
Do you know where I can source the domains?
I think this was Pizza Hut?
edit: yup
Commas, please!
And welcome :)
Sitting here reading about sail boats being easier to maneuver in harbors cause of bow thrusters, after having dealt with major prop walk just the other day in high winds while docking. The trick is keeping water moving past your rudder. Once your down to a knot or under things get dicey. Even with thrusters.
At least I got chicken!
Harder and harder to know when it’s implied these days. Is there a /s involved here?
Sons is mostly playing Valorant right now on Windows 11. I’m an old dude familiar with FreeBSD, and Debian. No clue about running games and stuff though. Would he be able to switch?
edit: thanks for the insight. Sounds like a no-go for now until anti-cheat stuff is supported outside windows.