The title and topic reminded me of a Jonathan Coulton song I hadn’t thought about in years, thanks for that!
The title and topic reminded me of a Jonathan Coulton song I hadn’t thought about in years, thanks for that!
That’s the Free center spot.
And then managers that don’t get this will try to shove policies down our throats about how “pre-prod systems should not have access to prod data”.
“just obfuscate it.” Sure, for all 300Tb of it from the 10 different sources that don’t really talk to each other and we were already doing magic to be able to join them together? They should give us a bottle of hard liquor per month/project.
Me, on the other hand, will buy even more bananas.
I shouldn’t quit my day job
She’s 35, but born in England, and I think not a natural born US citizen
Ughhh I keep finding these exact things in one of our rooms, never seen an adult one, always larvae. Find like one a week, which makes me think they’re just too dumb to organize an orgy and reproduce and ruin my life, which works for me.
Ok, that’s ridiculous/hilarious; episode context?
I think he’s also smoking Cheetos ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ