• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • i think super rich people do fucked up shit because:

    1. that’s the only way you become mega-rich, and
    2. they want more

    if i already have ‘infinite’ money, why would i want more, and since i’m getting this via magic or something, there’s no incentive to be evil in order to become or remain mega-rich. in short, yeah, i reckon i’d be alright, and we’d all be better off in the long run.

  • that’s a lot of words. allow me to summarize your argument, and please correct me if i’ve misunderstood.

    A. humans are rational creatures
    B. rational creatures make rational choices, unless influenced by madness or sexual preference
    C. being otherkin is a choice D. choosing to be otherkin is an irrational choice E. otherkin are not mad ∴ otherkin choose to be otherkin due to a sexual preference

    your conclusion does seem to follow logically from your premises, though I don’t think i agree with the truth of most of those premises.