I can has memes?
I can has memes?
You need to rethink your social media strategy, and please leave Lemmy alone.
It’s been nutriating so much that it no longer has nutrientations remaining in the soil, and it has begun to sprout legs and walk. It needs to be reminded of its place.
It’s alive under the snow, gloating vivaciously
In my defense, the lawn ain’t gonna mow itself.
Still got snow, didn’t melt all the way, only like, 20% melted. Gotta wait until it’s warm next week before I can break out the lawnmower
I guess it just works too well?
So dumb. As if a divine deity has some kind of moral investment in the health and welfare of a tech company.
How about showing some actual leadership instead of thoughts & prayers?
There was an old card game I learned around 2003ish called Spite & Malice, involving 2 full decks of cards for 2 players. Was just a ton of fun, but it’s faded from memory and the ruleset I found online once didn’t match the one I played.
Final Fantasy Legend, on the Game Boy. There are multiple worlds, and in every world there’s a giant tower, and when you enter the tower, each level leads to a different world. Eventually you get to the very top and you fight God, who is guarding the door at the top level that leads to paradise.
Yes, because humans are messy.
Toxic positivity in action
Lower Decks deserves 7 seasons x23 episodes per season, with better quality animation for the space-based visuals
I agree. Star Trek.
Boo! Hiss!
Seriously though, you need to rethink your entire social media marketing strategy and please leave us alone.
I’m in that same boat. Turned down a management position when they offered a sweet 0.6% raise
Meaningless marketing gibberish, utilizing buzzwords + product name in an unholy algebra desperate for your attention and unconcerned whether or not it succeeds.
After all, how many RC Cola ads do you need to see before you’ll buy RC Cola? How many times does Microsoft need to poke and prod at you before you’ll refer to internet searches as “Bings”?
And how much longer will we accept this paradigm before we start pushing back, utilizing our own, actually genuine messaging until Microsoft finally finally hears: You are a disreputable company, and you’re making the world a worse place.
…I tell them constantly, but they don’t listen.
I always sort by New and let the chaos chips fall where they may
deleted by creator
Mine just throws a fit every decade or so, and stops generating heat.
Also, it’s the most famous appliance in my house because a video on YouTube of me opening my dryer door has almost 500k views