The Title II difference is a very good point, all analogies fall apart at some point.
I agree the ISPs, like many other companies, will all be courting the new White House to get what they want.
The Title II difference is a very good point, all analogies fall apart at some point.
I agree the ISPs, like many other companies, will all be courting the new White House to get what they want.
As far as the car itself, BMW provides you with a product. This differs from a service where the provider can set in place rules that you need to abide by. If I want to chop the top off my new BMW and install ugly spoiler, there’s nothing that BMW can do about that.
All very true, BMW is a very scummy company lately.
My argument was that primarily, BMW is a manufacturer of a product. It would be a better analogy to a modem company being sued for the content that was transmitted through their device.
Side note, I think the feature unlock trend in cars is the worst possible thing.
The relationship is different though, BMW is not a service provider.
A better analogy would be the phone company. Is it their job to monitor their customers conversation and determine the legality of what is being said?
Basically yes. He won the Republican primary and the county is at least 2/3 Republican.
Edit: I looked it up and he is running on opposed.
We in Barry county somehow failed to vote him out. Truly shameful that he will continue to be sheriff
If he wanted to find a criminal, just look in the mirror.
I started with the cadence that I found from somewhere on the internet. Then I adjusted the timing to what felt good to me.
I found that worked well for me to setup these kinds of things as chores. I guess that a callender would work too. I just like to have everything on one page.
I do mine at about 5mm or 1/4 inch. After slicing you can also marinade them in lightly salted water. Just make sure that it is dried well before frying. You can even try them dipped in a simple batter. I prefer the plain fried ones though. Crisp on the outside. Goes well with rice dishes.
Try slicing it into strips and pan frying until crisp. Good way to get started.
We have seen this game 100 times. Opt in for now and then turned on for everyone 6-12 months later. It’s just a temporary move to handle the bad PR.
No one in Flint is going to forget that the emergency manager appointed by Rick Snyder ® was the direct cause of the crisis.
Glad to see the school has some common sense. The principal and athletic director pushed to keep her on the team. Great classmates as well, learning to make their voice heard.
I saw them setting it up a few weeks ago. Very cool picture of it.
If I’m not mistaken, I think it’s Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids, Michigan
You are correct, I had forgotten about the last experiment with the light shining across a distance. For some reason I thought that the gyroscope was the one that they ended on.
Bob may have been confused about the shape of the Earth, but he was still a person with family and friends. A good thing to remember about all of these people.
The documentary was called “Behind the Curve” and featured Bob Knodel. Unfortunately he passed away this year.
It looks like you still believed in the theory though. He had a YouTube channel that was devoted to flat Earth conspiracy.
they saved us from those, but at what cost?
Apparently the cost was humor
Yep, you send me html, my browser can interpret it any way that I want it to. If I want to ignore all of the image and script tags, I can. I don’t need Chrome or even Chromium. As Stallman says, you should know what is running on your system.
Oh no, wouldn’t want to be inconvenient to motorist.
Do you know what else is really inconvenient? Death. Tends to mess with your plans.