Lol racist libs, amirite? Idiot.
Lol racist libs, amirite? Idiot.
What a surprise, a childish dipshit.
O rly? Because I thought things were simple. I, like everyone who isn’t already fully on team hexbear, am an idiot. Please cite your sources.
Regardless of how many despots find Putin’s approach appealing, it remains fundamentally wrong.
Even if only 1% of cops fall into that category, the percentage of cops that support and enable that behavior is much larger. Police unions routinely defend and endorse bad actors, and reinforce and propagate toxic warrior cop culture. The whole damn tree is infected, and needs serious reform. Unless and until that happens, ACAB is the best rule of thumb.
I’m sorry that you’ve had this experience. I’ve been playing since the start of early access on a low-end PC, and never had any of those issues.
I doubt that they’re referring to Minthara; you have to make an intentional series of decisions to >!murder a bunch of people!< in order to get her in your party. It’s relatively easy to miss several origin companions if you’re not the type that explores the whole map. And one of the origin characters starts with >!a quest to kill one of the others!<.
Weird that I’ve logged multiple 3+hour sessions on my low-end PC with zero crashes. I guess I’ve accomplished the impossible!
It’s because Llewellyn is a Welsh name.
Yeah, I think you’re right, and maybe my waning enjoyment of that style of rpg says as much about my lack of imagination as anything else. I’m just a sucker for a story I can get caught up in, with characters that I can somehow relate to, and I’ve nearly always felt let down by Bethesda games in that regard.
Yeah, this is true. I think Bethesda games have just felt really empty and lifeless to me for a long time. I enjoyed Morrowind a lot. Oblivion I played for a while, but never finished the story. Don’t even remember if I ever finished Skyrim, which was obviously massively popular. Same with their Fallout games, it’s just been diminishing returns for me. Different strokes, and all that, obviously, they just don’t have that secret sauce I crave.
I think part of it is that your character doesn’t have any personality; you’re some total cipher of a Chosen One, which makes it difficult to form an emotional connection to them, and by extension to any of the NPC’s. Some of their NPC’s have well-written dialogue, but I sure don’t remember any of them.
While this headline is true, I don’t think it’s the fundamental reason for the game’s success. Having characters that feel alive is awesome, and part of what elevates BG3 over D:OS 1 and 2 for me. But what makes it great is the amount of control you have over the narrative; how the game responds to your choices. There is nuance. There are permutations. It ain’t perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than any rpg Bethesda ever put out (fite me).
It’ll be interesting to see who they put up next for pope. My experience of history suggests an inevitable regressive swing, but I’m certainly no papal scholar. If Trump is re-elected, I could see him reforming US Catholicism in the style of Henry VIII, with himself as the head of the church. Don’t imagine it would be a big shift for some dioceses.
As far as I can recall, I’ve never heard anyone refer to the US as “God’s own country,” though I’m irreligious. The Wikipedia entry suggests it’s been used to refer to all sorts of places, and perhaps most notably (pertaining to the US) by Goebbels.
If you’re going to copy and paste something several times, and are representing it as a quotation from law, maybe spell-check it? Also, I think there are good arguments to be made on both sides of this issue, but comparing an inconspicuous piece of jewelry to an abaya seems disingenuous. If small crosses were allowed, but small star and crescents weren’t, that would obviously be wrong.
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I think at this point the best plan is to mash all the assets together and release Dragon Effect. Mass Dragon? No, that sounds like maybe a Catholic dragon. Mass Age? No, people will buy it expecting a massage. Maybe subvert all expectations and go with Age Effect! We’ll throw out all the magic and aliens, it’ll be a harrowing exploration of human mortality.
I mean, fair enough, and I’ve only seen the film adaptation, but I would expect literal grapes of wrath to ferment into Klingon bloodwine, and I don’t recall that being a plot point.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tasted good to me, unlike all the other Heineken I’ve tried. I suppose there are all sorts of things that can affect the taste. This was 20+ years ago, if that makes any difference.
Edit: nope, just checked and they closed the actual brewery there in 1988.
Fair enough. Bush is a war criminal, and no mistake. Still and all, Bin Laden did take responsibility for the attacks.