That man’s name? “Albert Einstein!”
That man’s name? “Albert Einstein!”
So now I know what my wife is referring to when she says I’m as majestic as an eagle. She just means what I look like when I first wake up.
Not if he said, “No one will ever believe you.”
Don’t forget the blow!
I’m not your buddy, pal!
It’s poop. He eats his poop, doesn’t he…?
Not Tilly. She’s a little jerk when she wants to be. Won’t leave her big sis alone. 😆
I’m thinking the one in back is the boss.
Yeah, it’s taboo here, dontchaknow?!
It’s because you said the “R” word. ;-)
I’m in the same boat. Over 40 years here, and my first time encountering one. I had a serious WTF moment.
I had no idea what had happened. I just felt a burning sensation on my neck. I thought at first I had just been cut by the corn stalk, but then the pain started spreading. I turned over the leaf and saw that, and freaked out.
The pain lasted for about 30 minutes. About an hour later, when I was able to look in the mirror, there was still a catapillar shaped welt.
If only there was some way to prevent this besides thoughts and prayers…