I think it’s fun to try and take this to an extreme.
Try to remove all ads from a soccer match and you’d end up with opaque blobs kicking around a ball because even the jerseys have ads.
test sad
I think it’s fun to try and take this to an extreme.
Try to remove all ads from a soccer match and you’d end up with opaque blobs kicking around a ball because even the jerseys have ads.
OPS, RED are the standards.
Libble is also decent.
Security through obscurity isn’t security.
The classic example:
I have a website with no authentication which displays data that really should be locked down. But it’s OK because I never told anyone else the URL so no one will find it.
OPS or RED are the standards.
That’s putting a lot of blame on devopers.
Not all games have a ton of contributors on ProtonDB and that’s not the developers fault.
I am always shocked at how many people make Minecraft behavior packs on their phones.
Don’t boycott the content, just pirate it and support the authors directly.
Probably because the airtags don’t use GPS them selves, they are detected by a nearby phone and their location is interpreted from the phone’s location.
Saw some cute 3D prints that turn it sideways and turn it into a mini Mac Pro!
If the power button location is the biggest issue with this Mac Mini then it’ll do just fine.
Well, name another game platform that openly allows swastikas. I think they are saying the rest of the industry largely doesn’t allow this so Valve shouldn’t either.
Dont look at C++ with std:: function
Posted in the Fediverse 😂
Containerization helps, but best to patch asap.
NanoKVM is going for around $50
They released a trailer for it a while ago!
Terry would be so proud. And racist and scared. But also proud.
I grew up in Washington State. At first this sounded like WANIC, a program where high schoolers can learn trade jobs instead of taking 1/2 periods of class. I didn’t see it referenced at all in the article.
It is a cool program though. You can do things like Fire Fighters Academy, learn construction skills (although not like this trenching stuff AFAIK). I took classes at DigiPen, a college for video games, and ended up going there after high school.
If you have kids in school in WA, consider WANIC as it is paid by the state.
Happy cake day!