The Mouse beat Desantis
Apparently the Fifth head of the Hydra, Memelord of Romulus (according to people on ! thanks guys)
The Mouse beat Desantis
PiHole Domain regex blacklist:
Oh crap, I missed that. I’m happy to delete (or you can delete) if you need. I won’t be offended
They even made a golden statue of said idol:
And was Made in Mexico
… And so it begins continues …
Yes, I read that after posting the link. That is new info to me. I previously read that the existence of pronghorns, with their massive speed/acceleration, was evidence that this cheetah likely was fast as well, as they wouldn’t have need to evolve that speed without a predator putting pressure on them to do so. This contradicts that somewhat.
North America also had Cheetahs (called Miracinonyx), which is why Pronghorns are so fast. No current predator can chase one down. They are over-built now.
I was confused on that as well.
The states surrounding Indiana:
It’s such a wonderful country. I hope the prez can figure this out.
He can now go close some bridges for fun and profit, without the distraction of an election
They are closing in on an IPO so that could come anytime now
They aren’t call “a murder” for nothing!
We need more journalism that pushes back like this.
Then he immediately wrecked his (uninsured) McLaren:
Earth 2 had so much potential too! It doesn’t have a cult following, so would be a good candidate to reboot. seaQuest was just weird/goofy (I liked it despite the campiness), but if done right, could work
He’s term limited, so not for much longer