Technically this is also possible with for loops, like with OpenMP
Technically this is also possible with for loops, like with OpenMP
Compiler optimizations like function inlining are your friend.
Especially in functional languages, there are a lot of tricks a compiler can use to output more efficient code due to not needing to worry about possible side effects.
Also, in a lot of cases the performance difference does not matter.
Also surely a lot of people would know tar -Create Ze Vucking File and/or tar -Xtract Ze Vucking File
Funny story actually. After year 1 I was in peak condition, year 2 was normal, year 3 I gained weight. Year 1 I worked slowest and year 3 fastest. I just became way more efficient :p
I was garbage collector for 3 years as student job.
Not a single person in the company has done such a thing. We did dumb shit all the time but that wasn’t even close. I feel sorry that you decided that 1 person represents a whole industry
As long as you use proper lifting form it’s not that hard on your back. Without it you won’t last long though.
Also here in belgium all garbage collectors I know earn more than the teachers I know.
You get most of the day off after having worked a full day + still need a full and thorough shower + have low energy because it’s a physically demanding job
Src: did it for 3 years as student job
Running is not as extreme as you think, a lot of it is just carrying on the momentum of the truck after you jump off, other tham that it’s mostly just brisk walking.
The heavy stuff depends, regulations typically impose a limit on weight but a lot of people don’t follow it. You learn to use proper lifting form quite quickly though or you’ll get a hernia
Src: did it for 3years as student job
It’s honestly not that shitty of a job (see my earlier comment )
Source: did it as student job for 3 years.
Fun fact: the main reason garbage collection is unhealthy is because you spend all day in the fumes of public roads & the truck you’re hanging behind.
Source: was garbage collector for 3 years as student job & we got a small hourly bonus for it.
Did it as a student job for 3 years. I was paid roughly 50% more than with all other student jobs.
Honestly collecting garbage is not even that bad. I got paid to do fitness all day, spending time outside while chatting with my coworker. The people sorting the trash, that was who we felt bad for. They had all the downsides of the job with none of the benefits.
You mean that instead of having a binary blob you have a generator for the data?
Why? Cause shops are open on sunday? Having no workers rights makes that a lot easier
You cry
Depends on how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go :p
I want a roof python now
Good luck reaching an unwilling horse’s eye balls
I also vaguely remember such a story but there the aliens got fukd up because when all hope was lost humans just started kamikaze-ing their ships. Spite is our superpower.
If you get prep time you could set up some traps.
Assuming both sides see it as a fight to the death, the horse will also engage so you could just run away into a bunch of traps. All you need is for the horse to injure a leg in one trap and it’s done for. I think even just some holes with a couple spikes would be enough to injure and maybe even sprain an ankle.
Without prep time you’re pretty doomed, I think your best bet is either climbing up a tree to buy you some prep time to make a spear out of the branches or worst case diving in, aiming to do damage to its legs (unlikely) and hope you are able to get out without being trampled (unlikely)
While you do have a fair point, I was referring to the case where one is basically implementing a map operation as a for loop.