nra is a gun control lobby
nra is a gun control lobby
So a big shoutout to the dipshits who didn’t vote and voted 3rd party for making this fucking dipshit timeline exist.
pretty sure the only votes that elect a president are votes for that president.
Jill Stein, who magically appears right before every election, then magically disappears again afterward.
this is just misinformation.
personally, I wasn’t around 40 years ago to put on the brakes
other times people i guess think that you could cover a complex topic like this in bite-sized spoon-fed internet comments and memes. i feel pity for those guys.
I have a philosophy degree. I don’t need you to cover the topic. I asked you to support your position.
if you can’t explain your position, I’m not going to go looking for support for you.
you allowed it, and you continue to allow it. calling others names won’t change that.
reductio ad absurdum
There is no free will. Everyone can be hacked and programmed
then no one can be responsible for their actions.
They betrayed America by allowing a felon rapist conman who incited an insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election to become our leader, and now we’re seeing the negative effects of that.
everyone who failed to stop it, including those who voted with you, allowed it to happen. and you are allowing it to continue. step up and stop it.
there is no such thing as an unbiased source
none of your arguments will hold water with the lived experience of most people. they don’t want to see the disappointment in their grandma’s eyes over something they don’t believe, themselves, to be a just reason for turning down her cooking. they didn’t see a problem with grabbing some food on their way to make the world a better place. your grandstanding is not only ineffective: it comes across as bizarre and unhinged.
I’m blocking you
oh thank god
You don’t argue in any sense of data or fact, just shitty little retorts amounting to nothing more than “no, actually”.
there’s no data you’ve presented to discuss
you’re the worst, most bad faith debater I’ve ever had the displeasure of talking to
your accusation of bad faith is, itself, bad faith
convenience isn’t a valid reason to do wrong
we’ve been over this: most people don’t think it’s wrong.
culture doesn’t permit amoral acts
we’ve been over this.
Plant based food is objectively cheaper
sometimes, for some people.
stick up for what’s right, don’t crumble because it might upset those who are objectively morally incorrect
most people don’t think eating meat is morally wrong.
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