There are literally 72 senators who voted against calling it a genocide dude… But everything is the president’s fault, eh?
There are literally 72 senators who voted against calling it a genocide dude… But everything is the president’s fault, eh?
This is for real the Linux desktop year for me, went through the switch just before the new year. Had to reinstall a couple times but no big deal, and I get to learn as well.
Not sure if out-of-the-box distros are now that user friendly yet or not, but I remember getting Ubuntu running several years ago was frustrating (no sound, bad sound quality etc) and now running EOS was pretty smooth. Pretty sure something like Mint will be user friendly enough for the general population.
It’s actually pretty good! I made it several times when I was a kid. It will curdle a little bit though…
It’s like that in most of East Asia (and Southeast as well). I don’t know what will turn that around, Thailand’s cannabis legalization was the only hope but that is also at risk of being taken back.
And his sandals.
Dude, nobody’s obsessed with their genitals but the zealots…
I’m all supportive for the reduction of meat consumption, but I believe even collective individual action won’t cut it.
Well, I totally agree with you. I somewhat fall into that category as well (younger-ish generation anxious for the future).
I think he just meant that we are a failure to our own ideals, for such a smart species we failed to be responsible or keep these companies accountable. Lets say that dinosaurs had millions of years of existence and we achieved more in thousands of years, but wouldn’t it be a shame if our achievements is what led us to our own extinction? Icarus’s fall would be nothing in comparison to ours, and that in itself can be considered a failure.
Once we see no snowfall where it should be, arctics not freezing as they usually do, we know we fucked up. Wait…we’ve been seeing these patterns last year didn’t we?
A lot of companies seems to do that a lot, cut corners on the quality a little bit, push out the extra reserve capacity, etc. Then when a complaint occurs y’all quality engineers get the short end of the stick. What doesn’t cost the company costs us more time, effort, mental and physical health.
In Indonesian, there’s an idiom “guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari” which literally translates to teacher pee standing, students pee running. Meaning that students/followers learn not only good examples but the bad as well, and will one day be better at it than their predecessors.