Didn’t Kathy Griffin pretty much do the same thing only with many more times the consequences?
Didn’t Kathy Griffin pretty much do the same thing only with many more times the consequences?
Dear hackers,
I want to know how to hack. I will pay you. I am the best hacker.
Thank you, Xx_hackerman_xX
PS: What is hacking?
In those situations, that is the best class sizes for electricity tomfoolery, sprinkled heavily with bravely, and a side of youth assumed immortality.
It is also a good class size to swiftly move bodies, of things get too bad.
I had a similar sized class when I apprenticed as an electrical worker via “future farmers if America” funding.
I learned so many good ways to fix things correctly, and three times that number in “bad” ways to fix things.
Guerrilla learning method with pratical daily needed subjects is SORELY missed now-a-days.
I made one of these when I was young, poor, homeless, and imminently dying due to being swiftly being frozen to death (with bone tumors coming in second place in the death race). I was able to get an abandoned metal shead with a small heater working quickly in a sudden ice storm using on hand parts and a pirated “outside” power line.
Outside of a significant situation like that… it’s not a good idea
Meanwhile, the “slippery slope” logical fallacy falls over, down a hill, and dies.
Then starts spinning, creating a perfectly cylindrical hole, and catches fire due to friction, and self cremating.
Can the current president hunt the former president for sport now?
That is literally all of my debt left, so yay!
Companies even do this if you have a 5g modem.
There is a 2 hour window at the end of the month in which I am miserable.
I’m at the tip of the US’s Wang and have zero access to wired internet, so I am stuck. 😞
Oh well… whatever. Never mind.
Before June 2023, I was a mod on several Reddit communities for about 13 years and outside of Reddit since the turn of the century. I just kinda stepped back once the Reddit BS happened.
10 months later, my happiness and over all quality of life has improved. Not only am I no longer stressed (bye bye moderation based nightmares!), but I have way more time to dedicate to my passions and goals.
I thought that dedication to holding together a few niche communities and battling the “bad guys” defined me and gave me a sort of immortality.
I was VERY wrong.
Our great grand kids won’t be trolling reddit archives, telling everyone how “cool” grandpa was.
The greatest thing I ever did to improve my QOL was step away from moderating and leading communities on the internet as a whole. Doubly so if they involve political talk.
I can just about hear someone saying, “Do you know who I am?” or “Do you know who my father is?”
This situation just screams of the diabeetus-loving tomato sauce company bribing the local police.
I lived in both ‘French Canada’, and France at one point in my life.
In my experience, they all consider themselves the best thing France ever made and the other side are the equivalent of “rednecks”
To be fair, they both can be right.
Coincidentally, I just got a knock-off Soda Stream from Phillips. It’s over $150 cheaper and works 2x-3x times better. I wanted to build something similar for a homemade soda bar concept, and discovered how truly cheap it can be to make soda and carbonated water at home. I was shocked at what a simple concept it is, and how much of a profit these sodas water companies make. Phillips even charging $50 for their system is a total rip-off.
Truthfully, I think the increase in quality in the Phillips machine is due to fewer parts is an “exception that proves the rule” as these in-bottle carbonators seem to work better with fewer parts. It’s just a pressure hose connected to a co2 tank. Literally, all of $6 if you were to build one yourself from parts on Amazon (or $3 if you got he Alibaba route)
I truly believe that the fewer parts the better in any DIY or commercial product due to the less chance of a failure in a part if there are fewer parts. This works fantastically for the “lower quality” producing companies, like Phillips.
My inventive and engineering entrepreneur friends and I call this “fewer parts the better” concept, a “Murphy’s law compensator” as the fewer parts there are, the fewer parts that can statistically “go wrong”
Gamers are the true indigenous people.
We were typing in games printed in magazines and hand written from friends.
Dr Who
Before I watched the “New Who” episodes on the stern recommendation of an obsessed girl friend, I was extremely reluctant.
I just saw more and more friends and aquatences go into watching the series, normal as one can be.
Them, they watched the series on Netflix.
It changed them, giving them an almost unhealthy level obsessed obsession with the show.
I too had the same change, but on a much less level than some.
Gotta love the marriage between tramatic brain injuries and an under funded education system.
This seems to be a “PEBCAK” situation.
It’s challenging to cook when one lives alone. I came up with a frozen buffet system.
I make several main dishes, several side dishes, and several desserts. Subsequently, I divide the foods into portions that I would normally eat, then I freeze.
That way I can grab 2 or 3 items, microwave, and eat whenever I’m hungry.
Doing this, I only need to cook once or twice every shopping cycle.
It’s rare, but every time it’s incredibly unpleasant. It’s expecting to bite into a nice soft food, but instead chomping on a piece of metal, praying that you didn’t just break a tooth.
It happened to me a few times one year when I started getting neurological disorder. It stopped once I started paying attention to what I eat, cherishing every bite.
Back during the late 90s era of internet, I got into a MASSIVE amount of troyble over a finger slip in a high school computer lab.
We were all assigned an African country to write an essay about. We had to only use internet cited sources.
I was assigned a country with the Namba people. Somehow I fat-fingered an “L” in there in the worst places. (Between the ‘b’ and the ‘a’ - don’t google it)
It triggered my school’s search filter. Altavista got involved. It was a nightmare.
The police got in contact with my parents, thinking I was being groomed and in danger of kidnapping.
It sucked.