A couple days ago; I’m an elementary music teacher so it happens pretty often.
A couple days ago; I’m an elementary music teacher so it happens pretty often.
Purr excellence
He’s trying so hard to look cool.
Yeah. I don’t use tiktok so this doesn’t affect me, but the only reason I’m here is that during the whole reddit API fiasco (which, to be honest, as a non-tech savvy person I still don’t completely understand), someone posted a link to beehaw and it seemed like a breath of fresh air, so I joined. I had no idea what Lemmy was at the time, and I still really only have a vague idea of what federation actually means.
There are a lot of people on Lemmy who seem to assume that no one worth knowing has a life that doesn’t involve a large amount of time on their computer, and that’s just silly. I’m grateful for the people who do have the know-how to build this space, but a healthy community of people is going to include a large variety of knowledge and experience.
Sorry for the tangent in reply to your comment; it’s just been on my mind for a bit. 😅
Family. I’m very lucky to have a good one. I grew up with parents who moved away from their families before I was born, but we always traveled back - once in the summer, and then again for Christmas. Despite living a ways away, I had great relationships with my grandparents, cousins, etc.
Then it was my turn to move away. I’ll be home for Christmas. :)
Yes! Nat King Cole is my jam.
I’m the same way! I think it’s because I’m friends with enough full on extroverts that my social battery fills up without me trying before I ever reach the point of thinking, “Hey, I’d like to chat / hang out with someone. I should reach out.”
Right, I’d be down for a tofu sandwich but why like that???
I guess it depends on your definition of “good” and “sucks.” Salt and vinegar kettle chips definitely aren’t nutritious, but as far as my tastes go, they are fucking good and definitely don’t suck.
Upvoted for the tamagotchi / virtual pets. The other stuff, too, but mostly the virtual pets.
Yes, teachers are mandated reporters. They will be able to get the ball rolling.
Somewhat haphazardly. I typically listen to multiple genres in one session as well. What I usually do is if I hear a song I like that’s not already in a playlist (or if I like it enough that I want it in multiple playlists), I’ll chuck it in at the end of one. Then when I have downtime I play around with the song order so that I like how each song transitions to the next. I enjoy doing that as a way to unwind. This method isn’t great if you’re the type that needs everything organized all the time though since my playlists are usually in some level of a work in progress state! The names are very boring - P01, P02, etc. I also have some playlists that are more themed, for instance a road trip playlist with more upbeat songs. I’ll usually play around with that one based on who is road tripping with me and what type of music I think they’ll enjoy.
Also Moldovia drinks the most alcohol but is 9th in wine, 10th in spirits and doesn’t even rank top 10 in any of the other categories…
One winter evening I got a notification about possible fraudulent charges on my credit card. I had not in fact gone to Redbox twice that day, so I told them to replace the card. I got home and really had to pee so I beelined it to the bathroom. It occurred to me that it was really cold inside for some reason, and when I got out of the bathroom I noticed the living room window was open. Then I looked around and noticed that on my way to the bathroom I had walked past a bunch of drawers and cabinets that were also open.
Luckily not much of consequence got stolen. Whoever it was probably didn’t have a car because everything that was taken was small. We had a nice TV and my ex had a nice computer that were both still there. On my end, I was missing that credit card (I had accidentally left it on my desk after making an online purchase) and my wedding and engagement rings. I was in the middle of a divorce and wasn’t going to keep them anyway, so hopefully someone else got some enjoyment out of them.
Tbf, I strongly relate to your top comment and am mostly not autistic, so I think it was worth putting out there.
Oh that one was was going on constantly the last month or so of school!
Good to know!
I haven’t heard rizz, but working in an elementary school, sus has been around for awhile, and skibidi was just starting to get frequent enough to be super annoying towards the end of the school year.
Cool, I’ll definitely look into those when I get a chance. Maybe Starbound to start with. Thanks!
I typically calculate a 20% tip and then round up. For demographic purposes, I’m a millennial in the US.