They’ll use any excuse they can to cut federal funding to blue states, to force them to adhere to new rules and regulations. Not sure how insulated they really are.
They’ll use any excuse they can to cut federal funding to blue states, to force them to adhere to new rules and regulations. Not sure how insulated they really are.
They didn’t have a Project 2025 game plan going in like they do now.
The Republican Party has the will of the Supreme Court. That means they can rule for, or against constitutional changes unilaterally.
They have already ruled that the President is immune to the law if they are acting in ‘official capacity’, which they have left to themselves to decide if its official or not.
The presidential candidate has said he wants to go after the ‘enemy within’ directly referencing his political opponents.
He can go out and round up anyone with significant pull from the Democratic party, detail them illegally, (but now legal because its in an official capacity)
Anyone else who speaks out against the brutality will summarily be included in that.
How far off is that from where Putin has established himself, where elections are things they say the have, but is really just a form of performance art?
And I’m sure the Germans who “never supported the Nazi’s” were proud of their acts of abstinence after the fact.
Its a terrible system with FPTP for sure, but doing anything that makes it easier for really bad guys to get in power is enablement, full stop.
Will the really bad guys care about a protest vote? No, they’ll thank you.
Will the not so bad guys care about the protest vote if they get elected? Not really, they got elected while ignoring the voice of the people, so why change?
To fix the system you need to get the least worst option elected, and then get out and protest, and cause as much pain for the elected officials as possible to get anything changed. Means protesting at a level that is significantly impacting the economy.
Don’t fuck around with a ‘protest vote’ that’s going to do as much nothing as electing the Meh option.
No, its not like that at all.
It doesn’t matter who Meh and Oh no are for that voter. The results are the same.
If you have a Meh candidate, and Oh No candidate, and a Please Something Else candidate, and you vote for something else, its now easier for Oh No to get elected, because Meh has fewer votes.
Yes of course.
US raises concerns.
Israel promises to investigate into the matter.
Then we never hear of it again as the newer atrocities are bigger than the last.
We’ve been in this loop for a year now. It’s not new.
It’s not popular amongst those with f*ck trudeau bumper stickers on their jacked up, under-utilized vanity trucks.
But nothing tied to his name is popular with them.
I would recommend Shopifys APIs. Theres a lot to them, they’re well documented, and you can build a developers store for free.
Adobe commerce is another one. You can get a dockerized store up and running pretty quickly, also free and their documentation includes some basic suggested workflows.
Edit: these are mostly for practicing consuming apis, not sure if thats what you were looking for.
Holocaust victims were people targeted by the government of Nazi Germany based on their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, disability or sexual orientation For specified groups like the Jews, genocide was the Nazis’ primary goal. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), the Holocaust was “the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators”.[1]
Including 7.8 million soviet civilians and POWs in the count kind of seems like a revisionist definition of what the holocaust was to include anyone killed in the war. To undermine how much focus was on the jews pre-war.
Google (used to) scrapes the specific details authorized by robots.txt and uses it to make your content visible.
OpenAI scrapes everything it can technically see, ignoring robots.txt and feeds i to a black box and regurgitates it claiming it’s something new, that it deserves to be paid for.
Quite different actually.
Its there. But nothing in the headline about who or what or why it matters. Just enough to be able to say they didn’t bury it.
I don’t know what part of the world you grew up in, but that hasn’t been my experience at all. All the women I know have been brought up to know this is the old way, and any man who thinks along those lines is a man to avoid.
It’s relatively easy to self host your own git repositories.
It’s just that Github adds a lot of extra value added features that help streamline things for larger projects, and this is why many people use it. For most people, the value they get far outweighs the inconvenience when it goes down for 10 minutes here or there.
Using git (or equivalent) is pretty important. Using github is pretty optional.
Don’t buy those guns idiots
No, its a consequence of increased security and the inconvenience of have to sign out and create a new account when reselling the phone was an acceptable compromise, rather than an intended ‘bonus’ side effect. A lot of times companies do do that, but this wasn’t one off them.
This was your friend’s fault, and yours to trade cash before understanding how the system worked.
When certain parts of the official narrative are shown to be false or misleading, it’s easier to assume other aspect of the official narrative are also false or misleading . Its pretty important that all parts of a story are consistent either each other.
A single key is also a loss risk if you take anything out of a pocket. I’m always nervous about a single key. And then there’s the ‘where did that go’ when you change without emptying the pockets because its so small you forget its there.
What issues with minimum wage, other than the capitalists who are desperate to keep their costs down from crying wolf about inflation?
I’m still waiting for anyone to show data that raising the minimum wages leads to higher inflation. Should be pretty easy to show looking at the minimum wages across countries over the last 25-50 years, while also looking at the inflation rates over that same period.
As far as governments not raising the minimums, that is the result of poor policy when they were implemented, to not tie the minimum wage to inflation in the first place. People are more aware of that issue now, so hopefully that mistake wouldn’t be implemented.
I don’t really expect UBI to be implemented on a larger scale because the people who buy the laws won’t allow it.
No, is the loop back, so it doesn’t even leave the machine and doesn’t need to be connected to any network.