Hello there!

I’m also @savvywolf@furry.engineer , and I have a website at https://www.savagewolf.org .


  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • It’s possible for an upgrade to break things and leave your system in an unusable state or cause your data to be lost.

    However, that could happen at any time with no warning. Your hard drive could break, your charger could cause a short, your laptop could get stolen. If you have any files you don’t want to lose, I’d strongly recommend you set up a backup asap.

    In terms of whether to actually upgrade, Mint 20.3 stops receiving security updates in April so you should probably upgrade to 21 sometime before then.

  • Android backs up data to the cloud. If the phone breaks or gets stolen, you don’t need to recover data from it - you can just pull it from Google’s servers.

    In addition, people tend to not treat their phones as “permanent storage”. The concept of losing or breaking their phone is probably more clear, so they make sure to back it up in some way to the cloud or their desktop.

    Also, it’s much more likely for a phone to be stolen than a laptop or desktop.

  • If Alice is able to send “algorithm updates” through a secure and untraceable medium, why not just use that to send a unique email address that Bob can send messages to?

    If the links between participants is to remain secret, why not have a big ledger shared between a thousand people that any of them can send unaddressed messages to? Bob would send a message encrypted with Alice’s public key and it gets mixed into the ledger. Alice then pulls the entire ledger and then decrypts any messages encrypted by her public key.

    I don’t see why there is a need to accept the inherrent unreliably of an llm to solve this problem.

  • The question is, what applications would run in ReactOS that wouldn’t run through Proton/Wine? Some applications require relatively obscure userspace quirks and tricks, in which case it doesn’t matter if they’re running through Linux+Wine or ReactOS+Wine if Wine doesn’t implement them.

    Other than that, the rootkit anticheat that makes so many games not run on Linux are written by companies that have a near hostility towards Linux and open computing in general. If some version of their anticheat happened to work in ReactOS, they’d patch that out super fast. Same with DRM stuff.

    Linux and Windows are, I think, too different conceptually to copy things from one to another. And I’m not sure what Linux-compatible innovation that ReactOS would have that hasn’t already been thought of. Performance of the Windows kernel is, at best, average.

  • Even disregarding the native Linux port… The Steam client is actually pretty decent. Any client would have to implement things like library navigation, storage management, Steam input support, the overlay, cloud sync and so on. And honestly, I don’t think anyone can reach the amount of features that Steam has.

    Its probably why most people don’t actually use things like Lutris or Gnome Games to launch Steam games.

  • Almost universally, any time there’s a power vacuum (whether in the first larger-than-tribes societies, or in societies where state power has become weak), the first authority figures that fill the power vacuum are dicks

    - Main authority on bcachefs

    wielding real power, in ways that feel quite uncomfortable.

    Yes, it’s called feeling guilty about others calling out your attitude. Most people who aren’t power seeking assholes experience that feeling regularly and have learned to deal with it.

    Couples therapists say they can tell within a few minutes if a couple is worth working with or not: if it’s anger they’re displaying, then that’s something that can be worked through. If it’s dismissiveness, all hope is lost.

    Imagine getting told by a couples therapist that they can’t see your relationship working out… And then you go on a big rant saying how you should still be together?