100% factually accurate and yet still devastating to hear.
25 years…I can almost hear the modem whining like it was yesterday.
100% factually accurate and yet still devastating to hear.
25 years…I can almost hear the modem whining like it was yesterday.
This is really well written and I agree with a lot of your points…but when I read “as far back as the early 2000s” I felt about 100 years old.
Wait…everyone doesn’t do that?
Part of my job is to process user feedback. The amount of times that I get opposing comments like this is wild. Sometimes the comment is subjective, but sometimes they are outright sharing opposing facts. It definitely keeps life interesting!
I heard this as a Good Charlotte lyric. What a flashback.
Glad to hear you won’t have to upgrade. Hopefully you can stay under the radar, but I definitely get this would be a rough time to be working for the fed. I sincerely wish you luck (and patience)
Based on the people I interact with daily basically no one realizes this is happening. Outside of the IT department no one realizes or cares. I asked how we were doing to deal with tariffs on electronics we regularly used a while back and was quietly told that was a political statement and shouldn’t be brought up.
Now we have no plan and I’m too bummed to be smug about it.
Again, this is just my anecdotal view.
I think this is called a pumice stone, but I have never used one.
Yo ho yo ho…
Just in case it was driving anyone else crazy:
“The Gang Runs for Office” S02 E08
My most talented coworker was a contractor that was hired on full time. He has repeatedly said he would never have made it through the hiring process. I think about that a lot.
I just had an involuntary flashback of a host at a restaurant asking if we would like smoking or non smoking. It didn’t really matter since the whole place smelled like smoke…
Remember back in 2001 when everyone freaked out at Cheney’s age? He was 60. Our “young” potential candidate is 59.
Lot of jokes here, my brother repeatedly has told me he is disgusted by the fact that we look at toilet paper to tell if we are clean. Granted he would have to get the TP very close to his face to be able to see anything. He says he just wipes until he is clean. Not an exciting answer, but that’s what I got.
Show me how you reboot the PC.
*User turns off monitor
What an interesting take…I assume you will be down voted into oblivion, but it is thought provoking all the same. When I was younger I thought police helped people and I probably would have considered being a police officer. Now, I can’t imagine who would want to and I immediately question anyone who would. I have to imagine this is causing the people who truly want to help people to avoid the profession.