They could (and probably should) just partner up with ProtonDB and just bring in badges like the Decky plugin does. That also has the added bonus of getting some recommended tweaks or settings from other users really easily.
They could (and probably should) just partner up with ProtonDB and just bring in badges like the Decky plugin does. That also has the added bonus of getting some recommended tweaks or settings from other users really easily.
There’s a remaster coming out early next year! I’m planning on doing the same when that comes out
I mean, even Henry Kissinger got a Nobel Peace Prize
Neil Druckman making his staff work triple overtime to render out the new Verizon space phone in game
Updated the number of key iterations on my Bitwarden password manager. Logs out every device instantly. It’s fine, just log back in right? Well guess which dodo put their Bitwarden 2 factor OTP inside Bitwarden and nowhere else, and didn’t write down the recovery key or anything. Yeah.
Lesson learned. Also made me realise how few places that have 2 factor authentication actually care about it for password recovery. I think Bitwarden was the only place with 2 factor where I couldn’t get back in (that I cared about anyway). The rest I was able to get my account back through other means
No, it’s an exaggaration. According to StreetSmart Australia 14% of people became homeless due to becoming unemployed suddenly
With that said we do have MUCH better social welfare programs here in Australia than the US, though there is always more that could be done
Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends
Is this the same or different to nominative determinism?
The longer he remains uncaught, the longer this stays in the news
How many people do you need before you hit “small orgy”? Like 3 people is obviously a threesome, is 4 people a small orgy?
And how many before it is no longer a small orgy?
Final Profit: A Shop RPG was a really fun one I discovered through a Humble Bundle last year. It’s been getting a pretty steady stream of new content since it released which add to and improve the game
Wizfile as an alternative to this which I prefer
Also Wiztree from the same devs as a WinDirStat alternative
From what I remember most of the main cast carry over except for
Avasarala who died because old
It’s a 3 decade time jump
I really hope they work out a way to do a time jump series later on with the same actors who are all actually older (though logistically speaking it would be difficult)
It’s a feature not a bug.
And how many magnitudes less transactions does Bitcoin do than all traditional financial institutions?
1000xRESIST absolutely robbed
If it looks like a developer made a mistake, it was actually the product owner. Or the user. Or cosmic rays. But never the developer.
I always think of THPS3 as a PS1 game, didn’t even know it had online MP