Counterpoint: lockdowns were the best times of the last 5 years for people like myself. Everybody handles them differently.
Counterpoint: lockdowns were the best times of the last 5 years for people like myself. Everybody handles them differently.
A real linux installation or darwin-nix? If the former, what steps did you follow? 👀
Same for me, X11 is out of the question simply because it can’t do variable refresh rate on multiple monitors last I checked. And Nvidia and Wayland work together pretty well by now, at least if you are using a GTX card.
Yes, all the environment variables are set automatically and programs respect them.
It sounds like NixOS would solve all your problems. And it makes coffee too!
OMG, you just made my day! I watched Internet Shaquille years ago and really enjoyed him but never subscribed. Then I forgot his name and have tried many times to find him again using the few things I remembered from his videos. Never found him though. And now, you posted that little name and I instantly recognized it, thank you so much :D
I got it to a stable 54% by using an
typing f or d for consonants and vowels respectively in sentences I thought up, switching languages regularly,
and a stable 56% by just typing randomly and adjusting my patterns based on the colored output, which might have skewed my results. Certainly a very cool tool, I also liked the explanation linked on the page!
Damn, having a stationary “phone” that relays SMS and calls to you over trusted channels while you’re away is really cool!