True, but they were still resource constrained, which might be why they ended up with a model with lower resource requirements.
I am also
True, but they were still resource constrained, which might be why they ended up with a model with lower resource requirements.
Yup. If source is not available I’m not using it if I have any choice in the matter. Binary distribution is nice, but I’d rather have source.
Plus I’m sure some kind soul has created a build pipeline that autogenerates binaries from the source. I can always either use that or clone and customize it. It’s a natural separation—as a dev I’d like my responsibility to end at “I merged working code to trunk”.
Uhh he should know all the Elite hackers call it Tracer-T
Remember this blast from the past?
Those mega corporations have intentionally misused the term “algorithm” which implies an unbiased method of ranking or sorting. What they are actually using is more like a human curated list of items to promote that supports their self serving goals.
Same. It is after all their own time they are wasting, so whatever. I get paid either way.
I don’t really find the Android notification system useful, as there are always a few apps that permanently place an icon in the tray. But I’m not really a mobile “power user” so I’m not the target market for these features.
Exactly. Mastodon supports polls so what the heck?
I think this is very true, but western media isn’t going to probe this point.
US government doesn’t grasp that sanctions will only further motivate their internal technology development, until it surpasses US tech. China isn’t North Korea. They have plenty of local talent and capabilities.
The US govt is unable to fathom that SMIC internally innovated to allow 7nm, and now 5nm process that does not need the sanctioned tech. Also, SMIC is likely stretching the truth, calling their N+1 tech 7nm, just to taunt the US.
Mismanagement and inefficiency must be present everywhere at Google as they do immense amounts of R&D but are constantly beaten to innovation by smaller players.
Yup. I’m a web dev. Switched from testing first in Chome to testing first in Firefox a few months ago. And I had been Chrome first for probably 10 years prior. Some of our customers (enterprises) also started deploying/spec for FF by default in the past year.
Does this even meet the definition of a camera? This is not a projection of a scene that ever existed.
Thanks to stuff I learned about in the comments of previous posts on lemmy, I no longer see any YouTube ads. I’d say their plans are backfiring.
A great way is by charging for volume of trash produced. My city works that way (pay per bag) and we produce very little trash (sometimes not even filling a trash bag in one week). It also makes you really consider buying something when you include the potential cost of throwing it away, if it is not reusable.
I don’t hate Google. But some of their services/products are more buggy then the competitors (gmail, chat, chrome) and some don’t have much utility (free form search for products or recommendations, maps) so I use the better competitor products, where it benefits me. And I use the Google product when it offers me a benefit (search for technical documentation or finding a specific URL, chrome devtools). In some cases I’m locked in (gmail) and in that respect, it’s frustrating (but not unique to Google)
What’s worse, the parking or the broad generalizations in the comments here?
Maplibre ( offers a beautiful open source solution. There are affordable open source solutions for OSM base maps too (, where you can host the whole thing as a single static file.
No one should be paying Google per API key :)