Just screams trust the police
Just screams trust the police
Yeah the dude that wanted immunity, wants plan to replace government people with only loyal, the promise of immunity for Police, commitment to being tough on crime, loves to demonize protesters, good luck protesting if he wins.
The system is designed for an endless loop of this.
I was thinking more dick riding, but sucking works also.
Oh yeah it is. You can’t really vote yourself out of some of that stuff.
Did I mention I light up a cigarette, pull out my phone, then almost at the end I hold a water bottle and try to see if I can shoot… I turn my car off.
I blast my AC full blast and roll down all the windows just to pump gas in heat.
People don’t think it’s possible to do all of this. After reading the entire thing, it’s 100% possible, but I don’t think people are seeing this as the end of democracy in the U.S.
Women, minorities, public education, the environment, work reform, social services and even protesting are straight up done. Sounds extreme, but I’m not seeing how you vote yourself out of this after firing everyone and replacing them with people only loyal to the president.
I mean Biden didn’t bring out the military to beat protesters and international news media up to walk across the street to hold up a Bible. Protesters haven’t been swept up in unmarked vans, or tell his detail to beat up a protester at a rally.
My point is that Trump isn’t going to let these people protest Israel in the U.S like that if he wins. So yes, people are going to say “but Trump will be worse”
A steamer, Iron and that wrinkle spray stays close. “We”, nope.
When you dick ride for Trump anything is possible.
You know what, you’re 100% correct. I pulled up on the same person listening to something that said “if they call you racist for saying it they’re not well educated enough” . So I’m full supportive of that not being leaning.
I had a right leaning family member suggest PragerU content for my kid. I said “the only way this will happen is if Jesus Christ himself comes down from heaven and logs me in”. I no longer get suggestions on content, bummer.
You have the elitist weekend cyclists on 15-20k bikes and the casual commuter folks all rolled up in one list. Not the same crowd.
I’ve done it for almost 2 decades and confirm people are assholes.
Tim Scott isn’t Anglo-Saxon and according to Ann Coulter that’s not going to work.
I agree on the 2 reality thing. Anyone who disagrees can go look at this most recent trial coverage, or any of the hearings and see that is the case. Anytime anyone says anything it’s only for the clip to be on the news that night and that’s it. An endless loop of the same thing. I literally went to read the jury instructions on the NY court website then immediately saw a flat out lie about what they were.
I get what you’re saying, but anyone still supporting this guy is well beyond just reaching out. Nothing, I really mean nothing, you say will make an impact because of how isolated the source of information they get is. Anyone on the fence has already jumped off.
You mean the after hours Waffle House special with a 2 piece, side and a drink?
The hardworking, poorly educated, will still give him money and that makes me sad.