Took a direct hit from Hurricane Ivan. Blew all our roofing off so the rain was blowing in and big chunks of ceiling were falling in while we were all huddled in the hallway. We found the roof of our back porch in the middle of the street, about 4 houses down. We’ve ridden out a lot of hurricanes over the decades, but Ivan was the scariest.
In the end we came out of it smelling like a rose. My wife’s parents had both recently passed, and we were planning on buying their house out of their estate. I was in the middle of readying our house for sale when the storm hit. Our house got wrecked, while the parents house was left pretty much unhurt, aside from a few missing shingles and a downed tree. We moved in immediately and ended up selling our house as-is to the “we buy ugly houses” people for about half it’s normal value, collected a fat insurance check from Liberty Mutual, which combined with the sale was enough to pay off the mortgage and pocket a few grand, which was right at what we hoped to sell it for because we didn’t have very much equity in it at the time. We ended up right where we planned on being, much sooner than we thought we would. We got lucky for sure…
It’s my house. Everyone in the family knows I’ll shut that shit down, so I look forward to seeing everyone 😁
I’m confused… shouldn’t this be happening in one of those liberal nanny states where big government is supposed to be all up in your business?
Oh, right… those people need to tell you how to raise YOUR kids, but don’t you dare tell them how to raise theirs…
I’m wondering what position MTG is gonna get now… ain’t too many people kissed his ass more than that thing has…
they’re giving the bigger illegal employers plenty of heads-up so they can muster up their big bribe payments and swear their fealty…
by 2029 he’ll be a trillionaire 2 or three times over and the rest of us will be fighting over scraps.
we had friends who had an African Grey that mimicked him perfectly every time she heard the modem sound…
Hiya neighbor!
Yes! Yes we did! I forgot to mention that…
Florida voter here… I stood in line for about 45 minutes today for early voting. Women outnumbered men by at least 8 to 1 while I was there, which I found a bit encouraging. I enjoyed being able to vote against Matt Gaetz, and I only wish DeStains was on the ballot too so I coulda voted against his dumb-ass as well…
I remember coding actionscript in Flash and using modulo (%) to determine if a number was even or odd. It returns the remainder of the number divided by 2 and if it equals anything other than 0 then the number is odd.
I drink entirely too much coffee, and if I don’t be sure to drink plenty of water on top of it I’ll get constipated. It’s almost like the coffee dries me out or something. I had a chemo nurse tell me how important it was to stay hydrated during my treatments and when I told her I drink several cups of coffee a day, she scolded me and said In that case, I need the water even more. I followed her advice and since then I’ve gotten more regular. I used to think it was just normal for me to crap once every three days, but now I go every day and feel better too…
my Dad liked to refer to it as fightin’ gear…
I still have Craftsman tools I bought in the '80s, and some I inherited from my Dad. My only complaint is whatever they made some of the old screwdriver handles out of has degraded ever-so-slightly and off-gassed something that makes my toolbox smell like somebody puked in it. No idea what’s up with that…
Craftsman and Kenmore always had pretty decent quality. We bought a lot of our bigger household purchases from Sears back in the day. I do kinda miss 'em, just not the constant harassment from the salespeople to buy an extended warranty or open a Sears charge account. Some of 'em would get a little pushy about those damned warranties…
actually now that I think back it was the water pump that regularly went out at 45k, and it was run by the timing belt. The noise coming from the water pump is what usually alerted me and I was able to replace it and the belt at the same time, which spared me from ever losing the motor. I drove that thing til it had over 160k on it, which was a lot for one of those…
I had an '82 Ford Escort. Those things were notorious for lunching the motor if the timing belt ever broke (which they did every 45,000 miles like clockwork) while you were traveling down the road. The valves would stop in whatever position they were in at that instant, and then the momentum of the car would keep the pistons moving up and down, bashing the piston tops in to whichever valves were unlucky enough to still be open, ruining pretty-much everything. At the same time I owned that car, my best friend owned an '82 Chevy Cavalier. We were constantly one-upping each other over who owned the biggest turd…
Ha! I came to post this! I’ve LMAO’d at every comedian I’ve seen on that channel!