You mean to tell me the people that are willing to violently storm a government building riled up by an egomaniac with an inferiority complex were actually criminals to begin with? *surprised pikachu face*
You mean to tell me the people that are willing to violently storm a government building riled up by an egomaniac with an inferiority complex were actually criminals to begin with? *surprised pikachu face*
I love the phrase “booze or hard drugs”, while alcohol is one of the hardest drugs you can find out there. Just because its legal doesnt make it harmless.
What do you mean by not having done enough with your life?
Do you mean that you have been a burden to others more than you gave back? Then its simple, try to do something that gives back. Do voluntary work at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter or something like that.
Do you mean you havent achieved something awesome that people will talk about for generations? Then you should accept that you probably wont. Most people live an “ordinary” life without major accomplishments.
Do you feel like your current life has no real meaning? Just living day by day, not much enjoyment? Try to change it, bit by bit. Make friends that you can enjoy time with. Find new hobbies. Maybe change jobs.
That actually sounds wrong. Do they use the same level of graphics or was the first game optimized THAT badly?
Funny how its red/blue and suddenly people dont see that its basically black/white
I donno. For a million dollars Id easily work 7 days a week for a year and then chill for 20 years.
Now that I think about it some more, youre actually right. Every problem should be adressed and voiced as often as possible. No matter how you do it, theyre always gonna try to invalidate it somehow. But as soon as millions walk the streets every day they wont be able to anymore.
Oh I didnt even know that. Sounds crazy, shouldnt the president be bound to the law most of all people?
Why the fuck does it always say stuff like “Trumps policies” or “his actions as president”. What theyre doing is mostly illegal, it has nothing to do with being president. People are protesting against a fascist takeover, which has already happened.
If I stage a fascist takeover would the headline be “people all over the US protesting tomi000’s actions as a US citizen”?
Youre expecting 100 million people to walk up to the capitol together?
You are missing the point. If the protests arent taken seriously it doesnt matter whats chanted. Its not about criticizing every thing thats wrong with Trump because many people agree with large parts of it. Its about getting the main message across, that hes a fascist that needs to be stopped.
That may be the case. I will need to conduct my own research^^
- that sugary sweets make kids act “hyper”
Do you happen to have a source for that? Coz I have witnessed kids act like a horde of wild monkeys on crack right after eating dessert on multiple occasions.
Probably “us aid” (as in we/us) from now on
This, but unfortunately the power dynamic is a little different than a usual grownup-toddler one. This toddler has a world destruction button next to his firefighter truck and could decide to play with that instead at any time something doesnt go his way.
Interedting take, I dont really understand the downvotes. Probably gatekeeping, kinda sad.
Because they arent actually opposed. Theyre doing the bare minimum to uphold their public image while ensuring that capitalism rules the country.
Funny how this time it was actually a democratic decision to abolish democracy. Back then in Germany the NSDAP reached 30% and then 44% the next year with a heavily rigged election. Gotta give the people what they want I guess…
Everyone is allowed to do anything as they please as long as theres noone enforcing the rules that would forbid it.
A friend of mine whose decisionmaking I respect a lot. Good balance of logic and empathy. He would be an awesome president and hed hate me for dumping that shitton of responsibility on him. Wouldnt want to be in his shoes. Also id miss him, but its for the best.