Off brand Bagel Bites are a big nope for me.
Off brand Bagel Bites are a big nope for me.
My husband is currently taking naltrexone, so I just wanted to hop on here and say to anyone that is considering taking it, please be careful and do your research! It’s not that the medication is bad, but you should prepare for it before you start, especially if you currently drink in high quantities. My husband went to a psychiatrist who specializes in substance use, she gave him an RX for naltrexone but didn’t provide really any resources or advice about how to approach it. The first night, he decided to drink maybe half of his normal nightly amount of alcohol - he vomited multiple times, had bad chills, etc. There’s also risk of seizures if you try to quit or taper down from alcohol too quickly. After that night, he decided that he would only take half his naltrexone dose at first and would taper down very slowly. Things have been going much better for the last few weeks. Also, you really need someone to help you stay accountable if you’re going to try an at-home detox. In our case, we locked up all of the alcohol in our house (I keep the key). And I’m in the room with my husband while he drinks a specific amount of vodka each night. Since that first night, I don’t think he’s really had any significant side effects.
I tried to use glow-in-the-dark thread for a Halloween piece and it did not work at all. I was so disappointed. Some people online suggested holding it up to a bright light for a while, I did that and still nothing 😭
My favorite part:
“I am sure some in our audience have questions for our various experts up on stage?” Ms Voigtschild said after the mud was found. There were none.
Well, I live in the U.S. and I’ve never heard of mutual aid, nor have I ever heard anyone I know mention it. So it may be partly that folks like myself just don’t know about it.
The answer is yes, yes they are that desperate.
Well that’s terrifying.