It’s not like the crazies from over there will believe anything that agency says anyway, so better just gtfo.
It’s not like the crazies from over there will believe anything that agency says anyway, so better just gtfo.
Already blaming immigrants and shifting away from the real issue at hand. After Trump is installed, you will see more of these contaminations or not, because probably it will be forbidden to report them
Trump is already handling it, by planning to erase it completely, god bless maga
How thick are you?
He will never go to jail, he will never suffer any consequences of his past and future actions. Unfortunately it is what it is.
They will vote a random candidate besides the aforementioned 2. Pathetic
I have friends who will not vote for trump for obvious reasons but not for kamala as well, because they don’t vote for a cop!!! Sad stuff
Let the shareholders and the ceo build the planes, they know everything, they’re geniuses
I was being sarcastic
Yeah, but what if you become rich overnight, it might benefit you.
I was trying to be sarcastic
God protected Trump
Edit: do i really need put an /s ?
Nah. If you try to say that i am extremely rich compared to a an african or pakistani, then yes, but if in your own country you cannot afford a decent life, then you are poor
I can’t wait to see how the republicans will blame this on the democrats
He is broke since a long time.
I understand yours point, sorry for being harsh. Look here:
It’s probably Biden’s fault or because of abortions, or because there is no more prayer in schools