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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Most things in our regular day-to-day lives would leave residue, even water (maybe deionized wouldn’t?) just a matter of how much and how noticeable. About the soap, well if you smell it on your hands after wash, then it’s still there and you will rub it onto stuff. At least it’s just soap tho…

    I don’t know if you can reasonably remove all contaminants off your skin, unless you plan to like glove up or destroy the skin by washing waayyyyy too often. But you know, good hygiene will keep things you touch nicer for longer so keep at it.

  • Tbf unless you’re really anal about it, you’re never going to have perfectly clean hands all the time. But if your controller is getting discoloured quickly and regularly, then you can probably tell where the problem lies regardless of its colour.
    I have similar issue with mouse, but it takes about 3-4 years of regular use for it to get really noticeably discoloured or start rubbing off top coat, to a point where even cleaning with IPA doesn’t do anything. And that’s a black mouse.
    Also worth noting, many hand creams are a big no-no imho. Some of that shit destroys your gear, worse than any dirt.

  • I don’t know whether anything changed or it’s down to brand but I have no issues baking strudels and other pastry with similar dough from soy milk, including doing some simple buns from dry yeast, but obviously that lacked the sourdough taste, which I’d like to try replicate with use of some acids next (e.g. vinegar). Don’t really do much else though, so can’t confirm for other uses.

    We specifically buy Kirkland brand (cheapest alternative) and more recently actually started grabbing the vanilla soy milk from US instead of local. I used to hate sweetened soy milk some 5+years ago, but this is somehow different. And it works great for crepes as well - actually better than regular milk IMO.

  • More of a generic answer as I don’t know the situation there, so hopefully someone local will come around and chime in.

    Unfortunately we live in a world where it doesn’t take much money for the movie/music industry corporations to sway the politicians in any country.

    So what may be legal today, could very well not be a week, month or year from now and you’d want to stay on top of news like that.

    As a general rule of thumb, I’d suggest using a solid VPN, if you’re uncertain about the consequences. I switched Mullvad (would I recommend it? Sure, but only if you’re ready to actually pay for it) and used to use Nordvpn (it’s ok, seems to have become bloated, but sometimes with cashback deals it’s essentially free) and there are plenty more out there depending on your level of comfort in quality of service they actually provide.

    Now if someone can confirm what the situation is actually like, it could be anything from “I’m gonna need a n-th NAS with xxx TB capacity to seed all this” through “oh no, another email from my ISP, I need to setup a filter to send these to trash directly” to “who’s that knocking on my door at this time of the day”. In the end it all comes down to your appetite for risk.