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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 18th, 2024


  • You want the real answer?


    Think about the scene in Fight Club where the homework is to go out and start a fight. It isn’t easy. Most people have never hit another person their entire lives. Men who punch walls or tear their shirts off to throw down with someone over perceived offenses are not the normal. That’s tail of the bell curve behavior. If it wasn’t, people would be fighting in parking lots everywhere you go.

    The inertia of most peoples lives is to avoid conflict. This is why only a handful of people in any building you happen to be standing in are suited to leadership roles.

    Now, if you can get one of those guys in the right conditions to stir up a mob hive mind then the game changes. Until then, most people will be propelled forward by inertia and conflict avoidance.

  • We felt it last year. A building up of something. A sense of impending doom. Feelings of grim.

    Things are worse especially with Trump making noises about using the American military to take resources. I don’t know who put the Panama canal and Greenland into his head but here we are. He is a guy who would do it too. Making us axis and not ally this go. That’s grim.

    Pick and choose your outlets but don’t stick your head in the sand.

  • That would be almost everyone. I can tell you that most patients I see (mostly) love, like, or are ok with their staff (doctors, nurses, ancillary) while disliking the company, management, etc.

    I think, since COVID, the general public is more in tune with how things work. I can hear both patients and family asking, or directly asking me, things like “How many patients does each nurse have?”

    That question alone speaks volumes on how well they understand what’s happening. And they won’t, typically, blame the nurse for shitty service, but corporate instead.

    Same thing on the clinic end of things. Patients ask how much time each doctor is allowed per patient. Again, that speaks volumes on how well they understand what’s really happening with their care. The rationing of healthcare, not just by monetary coverage, but by trained personnel is understood.

    Allowing a doctor only 10-15min per patient such that anyone who is late gets dropped and has to wait another 3 months to get in is working as intended.

    Having a nurse take 7 patients such that there is only a few minutes per hour per severely ill patient is working as intended.

    Patients and their families are asking the right questions. They understand, these last couple years, how the rationing of car is occurring in person, in addition to the denial of monetary coverage. It is ALL rationing of care.

    The difference is whether or not it’s spoken verbally in an office or hospital vs typed out on Lemmy or elsewhere. If they really want to track disgruntlement, they should start recording ED, urgent care, and clinic waiting rooms.

  • Stay away from echo chambering news sources. New Republic, HuffPost, Commondreams and the like. They’ll either go full outrage or tell you exactly what you’ve been waiting to hear.

    Indy journalism can be solid, you just have to be careful.

    I enjoy Heather Cox Richardson. She definitely leans left but everything is so steeped in the context of American History (she’s an American historian) it’s not doom and gloom so much as educational. Historical context adds depth and width to the present issues. Accessible. She’d be a good professor to attend classes with not a boring one.

  • Exactly. That’s my thought.

    Cure for cancer: yes. Support of this thing that made my god emperor look bad: no, on pain of my own death. Alternatively, support of this thing that made me extremely uncomfortable and robbed me of some life choices: no, even if it kills me. I will twist it around so theyre somehow not the same tech.

    Granted, there’s always the flat earther, dinosaurs bones are trolling fakes, chem trails, and the moon landing was another troll on all of humanity types. They’re probably all in on the Bill Gates cares enough about you to track you via nanites in the vaccine. I mean, why not? If you believe any of the other is the vaccine hype all that big of a stretch from there?

    Actual risk? Someone lives on the tippy tails of the bell curve, or there wouldn’t be a bell curve. There’s no such thing as a 100% with people, or medical care outcomes. Except eventual death. (I’m subtracting taxes because sovereign citizens really do try their best on that one.)

    All of that said, people are at deaths door a lot in hospital and will still refuse life saving care.

    Amputating gangrene is one. Not taking lactulose. Not taking diuretics. Guzzling sugar with diabetes. Having a hemoglobin of 5 and continuing to refuse blood that might be from a COVID vaccinated person. So why not refuse this too?