Can you please activate your webcams?

Please choose a sticky note color to use for this meeting

Please take one of these smiley stickers and tell the others how you feel now

    2 years ago

    We aren’t talking about a bug, new feature stories. No screen shots, no identifieres to get me closer to a solution.

    For example one of my stories had the following as the total amount of text for the entire ticket: “Add parser for new message type.”

    Add the parser where? What is the new message type? Is this for a test tool or the project itself? Unit test framework? In a library or in the project code? We were working on two protocols and one protocol had a high level and low level message structure so i literally had 3 possibilities.

    And when i asked my boss what the ticket was about i was told that i should do some investigation and fill in the ticket myself. Wtf?!? When i then told my productivity was wanting i started looking for a new job.