• Nacktmull@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    So, my opinion is invalid, but yours is okay?

    Please read your first comment again. You didn’t present it as your personal opinion, but as if the game was objectively bad, which is what I have contradicted.

    I also wrote in my last comment.

    If you don´t like it that´s fine but don´t present your individual opinion as being objective.

    So I obviously did not declare your opinion invalid as you can see.

    You, however, are using biased sampling

    No, I am not. The ratings I linked are based on the ratings of everyone who played the game, not just people who played the game and liked it. It´s just that the vast majority of people who played the game liked it, so the ratings are impressively good. What do you even mean with that critique? The only people who can rate the game are the people who actually played it, right? So no, I do not see a flaw there.

    What about people who don’t like what you like? They’re not spending $50 on a game they don’t like.

    How would they even know they don´t like the game without buying and playing it? Besides that, I generally recommend buying games on sale and also to make use of the refund function of steam if you do not enjoy a game.

    I tried DOS (1 & 2) because of the reviews and my live for games like Baldur’s Gate and Pillars. But this game series wasn’t for me and I’m allowed to say so.

    I agree, and again quote what I wrote earlier

    If you don´t like it that´s fine but don´t present your individual opinion as being objective.

    and like everyone else who felt that way, you were free to leave a negative review that impacts the games overall rating, which I assume you did.

    I hope it is clear now that I at no point intended to invalidate your opinion, which I do in fact respect. So let us stop this nerd battle, my fellow rpg connoisseur, shall we?