Unless you’re white it wouldn’t be great going too far back in time.
And we have no idea how dystopian the future might be so you don’t want to get locked up and have to work in some Amazon prison warehouse.
So, going back or forward in time like Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol would probably be ideal.
Sort of. You’re already doing it at this moment.
Einstein showed that time is not a separate space, but is actually the same as any other dimension. However, we have not found any way to reverse our direction so far. We can only choose a direction to move forward in. In fact, you’re doing so when you get in a car; you’re experiencing a minor change in how you’re moving through time relative to those around you.
It actually goes further than that. In spacetime you’re always going the same speed, the more in space, less in time.
At least from the special relativity perspective.
Really? Am I then going the speed of light in time?
Not quite, the true invariant quantity is the magnitude of the spacetime 4 vector, which depends on rest mass.